Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Matt. 16:1-4; 24:1-3, Signs of the Times

“The signs of the times.”  Some think that phrase was invented by wacky extreme dispensationalists.  But look!  It came from the mouth of Jesus!  And now, sure enough, the latest events in and around Israel are the occasion of many “students of the Bible” to talk about the “signs of the times.”  And right on cue, I am hearing some brothers in Christ criticizing these supposed “prophecy nuts” for turning everything into an “end time” panic.

So, let’s think about this for a moment.  In this passage Jesus was roundly criticizing the Pharisees and Sadducees because they were more interested in discerning the weather than discerning the “signs of the times.”  So if you think interest in this subject makes a person “nuts” they you are on the wrong side.

Second, if you tell me that Jesus was talking about the signs relative to the cross and His first coming and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD, let me remind you that Jesus also addressed the question of the “sign of Your coming and of the end of the age.”  He not only did not criticize His disciples for asking about it; He went on to give them signs related to those questions.  You cannot read Matt. 24-25, the Olivette Discourse, and make all those “signs” to fit with 70AD.  There are clues Jesus gave that tell us about the world leading up to His return.

Just a few illustrations.  The Bible says many wars will be taking place, the seat of wickedness will be called “Babylon the Great,” wickedness will no longer be restrained, international trade will suddenly come to a halt, and an army from the north of Israel that has some relationship with Russia will invade Israel. 

I chose these because it’s what I saw in about 5 minutes of scanning the headlines recently.  All the “Iranian backed proxies” are involved against Israel plus many of her neighbors, not just Hamas.  Iran, part of the Babylonian Empire territory, is the primary antagonist.  All over the world governments, armies and police are struggling to keep law and order, what with the terrorist groups, cartels, protesters who can’t be subverted.  The Houties are disrupting international trade in a way we have never seen; and no one can get them to stop.  And Russia is in Ukraine, seemingly stuck, but having already obtained a clear path from the Black Sea, through Turkey, Lebanon and Syria, all of whom are friendly with Russia. 

Now let me give you some passages to read on your own, that answer the question, “What should we do about this?” 

·       First, from Matt. 24.  After giving the signs, Jesus warns, don’t ignore the signs (24:32-35, Parable of the Fig Tree), don’t think you know the day or hour because you don’t (24:36-44), but be faithful in serving Him (24:45-51).

·       Then, from Matt. 16.  Beware the leaven, the doctrine, the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Sadducees who ignored the signs of the times (16:5-12); be about building the Church of Jesus Christ, which is what He’s doing today until He returns (16:13-20), and then take up your cross and follow Him (16:21-27)!

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