Wednesday, January 17, 2024

1 John 5:4-12, Testimony to the Truth About Jesus

John has been focused on the new command to love the brethren.  Now the focus returns to the old command, to believe in Jesus Christ.  Those who have been born of God must love all those who are born of God (4:7-5:3), and must they will overcome the world (5:4-12).  It all comes down to faith in Christ. 

You may remember that, in the Upper Room (John 13-16), before Jesus prayed for His followers (Jn. 17), His last words of encouragement were, In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world (Jn. 16:33).  Jesus is the Overcomer.  He actually lived in this world, God having become flesh!  And now, by our faith in Him, we are joined with Him in overcoming.  It is being worked out day by day in our lives, but the victory has already been secured.

In case you are uncertain about this, in 5:6-9 John gives us some words of assurance.  Remember, again, John is writing because certain deceivers have denied the truth about Jesus.  So, John brings to our attention various “witnesses” that attest to the truth.  (Note: we are using the New King James Version so will follow that text.  Some translations omit half of vs. 7-8.  The point is clearly made in both.)

·       5:6: The testimony of “water and blood.”  This refers to the baptism and death of Christ.  Why are these two historical events singled out?  Because they both depend on the full humanity of Christ.  Jesus came to John to be baptized (Mt. 3:13-17; Jn. 1:32-34).  John resisted, saying Christ should baptize him.  But Jesus insisted that He must do this at the beginning of His ministry to identify Him with those He came to save.  God had to speak from heaven for men to realize that the Man Jesus was truly the Son of God.  Likewise, His death was proof of His humanity.  God cannot die.  He had to become man (Heb. 2:10-18).

·       5:7: The testimony in heaven is the Trinity: Father, Word (Son) and Holy Spirit. All these attested to Christ’s humanity and deity during Jesus’ life and ministry.  Heb. 2:4 says God bore witness, the Son performed miraculous signs, and the Spirit moved in men according to His will.

·       5:8: The testimony on earth involved the Spirit, the water and the blood.  The indwelling Holy Spirit, from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, produced the holy life that He manifested.  He descended upon Jesus at His baptism, and in His resurrection declared powerfully He was the Son of God (Rom. 1:4). 

The point here is that these events are occasions when God Himself declared the truth about Christ.  If we believe human witnesses, we should be even more compelled to believe God (5:9).  If we believe in Christ, then we have the witness within us because we have the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Anointing.  But if we deny Christ, we make God out to be a liar (5:10).  It is an act of faith.  But it is faith in a truth that is soundly confirmed by God Himself.

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