Tuesday, January 30, 2024

John 14:1-6, Introduction to John’s Gospel (4)


Doctrinal Themes

When we look at the Doctrinal Statements of churches we have been involved with, every paragraph in those statements is dealt with in John.  Here’s a sampling:

·       Scriptures: 10:35.

·       God the Father (1:18; 17:3); Son (1:1-18); Holy Spirit (3:8; 4:24; 7:39; 14:16; 15:26; 16:8-11, 13f, 26).

·       Satan: 8:44.

·       Creation: 1:3.

·       Fall of Man: 3:19.

·       Atonement for sin: 1:29; 3:14-16; 12:23-26.

·       Salvation by grace: 10:28-29.

·       The Church: 10:16.

·       The Ordinances: 1:32-33; 6:53-58.

·       The righteous and the wicked: 8:21-24.

·       The return of Christ: 14:1-4.

·       The resurrection: 5:21-30.

Word themes:

When reading John, keep an eye out for basic, yet profound, references to themes such as: witness (testifying), truth, dark and light, life, love.  Without doubt, the most important “family” of words are the “believe” words.  How many times can you find some form of the word “believe” (including trust, faith)?  There are more than 95 references in the NIV and KJV.

Titles of Christ:

John is a book about Christ, written by the one who had “leaned back against Jesus at the supper” (13:25).  Thus, John shows he knew Christ well, using at least 35 different names, titles or descriptions.

Claims of Christ:

In calling men to believe, John clearly presents the claims of Christ, equating Him with God, the great “I am” of the Old Testament (Exodus 3:13ff).  Note the bold claims of Christ in the following passages:

·       I am the bread of life (6:35,41,48,51).

·       I am the light of the world (8:12).

·       I am the door (10:7,9).

·       I am the good shepherd (10:11,14).

·       I am the resurrection and the life (11:25).

·       I am the way, the truth and the life (14:6).

·       I am the true vine (15:1,5).

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