Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Psalm 119:9-16, SINCERITY vs. Hypocrisy (3)

e)    If the key to sincerity is keeping or guarding our hearts, how do we do this?

i)      The first step is to recognize that we do not naturally have a good heart.

(1)                        From Lk. 6:43-45, what kind of heart produces good things? A good heart.  What kind of heart produces evil things? An evil heart.

(2)                        In Mark 7:21-23 what are some things produced by the hearts of people? Evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murder, theft, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an “evil eye,” blasphemy, pride and foolishness.

(3)                        Therefore, what kind of heart is found in each person (Jer. 17:9)?  A deceitful, desperately wicked heart.

ii)   Therefore, as the Psalmist said, we need God to create in us a clean heart (Psalm 51:10).  And that is the second things we must recognize: who must bring about this clean heart?  Who can change a man’s heart?

(1)                        Acts 16:14: The Lord opened up Lydia’s heart to the gospel.  We must hear and believe the gospel, the good news that Christ died for our sin and was raised that we might have a new life.

(2)                        Heb. 13:9: By grace God changes the heart.

(3)                        Psalm 51:10: God can “create in me a clean heart.”

iii)            Once a person receives Christ and has a new heart created within (is a new creature, 2 Cor. 5:17; has been born again, John 3:5-8; Titius 3:4-5) how do they keep the heart clean, pure and free from evil motives?  We must dwell in the Word of God and then yield our life to that Word.  Look at the results that come to those whose hearts are filled with God’s Word.

(1)                        Psalm 19:8: Their heart rejoices.

(2)                        Psalm 37:31: They will not “slide” (stumble, stray from the path).

(3)                        Psalm 40:8: They will delight to do God’s will.

(4)                        Psalm 119:11: They will not sin against God.

iv) From Heb. 4:12, how does the Word work to keep the heart free from evil motives?  It “divides between the intents of the heart” whether good or bad.  In other words, God’s word reveals what is so deep in our hearts that we might not see it without the amazing light of the Bible!

v)    What other truth from Scripture will help keep the heart pure?

(1)                        1 Cor. 14:25: Sound preaching from God’s word will build us up.

(2)                        Phil. 4:6-7: Prayer brings God’s peace which guards our hearts.  Our “new heart” should get stirred up when we are stepping outside of the will of God or following sinful intentions.

(3)                        Matt. 6:21: Think long on this.  Our “treasure” is what we long for, the thing for which we sacrifice.  We need to set our hearts on the things of God, His kingdom and righteousness (6:33).

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