Friday, August 25, 2023

Prov. 8:22-31, WISDOM vs. Natural Inclinations (1)

1)    Definition: Seeing and responding to life situations from God’s frame of reference.

2)    Scripture: Proverbs (all of it!); Ecclesiastes 2:12-17; Job 28 (esp. v20-28); 1 Cor. 1:17-2:16; 3:18-20; James 1:13-18; Matt. 7:24-27; 25:1-13 plus many other passages throughout the Bible.

3)    Underlying Principle: We must see life as God sees it because God created and sustains life (Prov. 3:19) and knows better than anyone how life should be lived (Prov. 21:30). 

Christ Jesus became wisdom for us from God (1 Cor. 1:30).  In Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3).  When 1 Cor. 1-2 speaks of the wisdom of God versus the wisdom of this world and the wise men of this world, God’s wisdom involves his plan from eternity, the plan that involved the incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection.  You might think that this renders the book of Proverbs unnecessary for Christians.  If we have Christ, we have wisdom. 

However, that would be a serious omission in my view.  To begin with, in the above-mentioned NT passages you will see that the wisdom of this world is the wisdom that is in Proverbs.  The wise men of this world are a powerful demonstration of the fool and scoffer and other “workers of iniquity” in Proverbs.  Furthermore, we need to understand that Christ Himself is a fundamental ingredient of the wisdom of Proverbs.  Prov. 8:22-31 tells us that “wisdom” is actually built into Creation, put there by the wise Master-Builder (v30) who is our Lord Jesus.  Job also touched on this (Job 28:20-28), when he answers the question, “from where then does wisdom come?”  It comes from the Creator in His Creation. 

4)    Illustration: 1 Samuel 24:1-22.  When David was being chased by King Saul he had a couple opportunities to kill Saul.  The wisdom of man (natural inclinations) said “God has given you the opportunity to kill your enemy” (v4).  David said, “I cannot kill the LORD’s anointed” (v6).

5)    Bible Study:

a)    What are some identification marks of a fool?

i)      1 Cor. 1:21: He cannot know God (thus Ps. 53:1, he says there is no god; and Rom. 1:20-22, they seek after other gods).

ii)   Prov. 14:12: The fool’s “way” is the “way of death.”

iii)            Where does this “foolish wisdom” come from?  James 3:15: it is earthly, sensual (limited to what can be seen, felt, heard, etc.) and demonic.

b)     What are some identification marks of a wise person?

i)      Prov. 23:17-21: He doesn’t envy sinners (i.e. give in to peer pressure).  Rather, he fears the LORD.

ii)   Prov. 27:11: The wise person makes his parents glad.

iii)            1 Cor. 3:18: He seems foolish in the world’s eyes (cf. Agur, Pr. 30:2-4). 

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