Saturday, August 26, 2023

Job 28:20-28, WISDOM vs. Natural Inclinations (2)

c)    What constitutes true wisdom?  Prov. 9:10; 3:7. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom in the sense that all other wisdom is built on top of the truth that God is real and our Creator. We are accountable to Him.

d)    From Prov. 30:24-28, what four animals are illustrations of wisdom and in what way?  (Wisdom is so ingrained into the Creation that even the animals that live by instinct exhibit that wisdom.)

i)      The ant stores food for winter.

ii)   The rock badger is slow; thus, he makes his home in the rocks to avoid his enemies.

iii)            The locust goes by orderly groups though they have no leader.

iv) The spider (lizard), though insignificant, occupies significant places.

e)    Why is wisdom essential?

i)      Prov. 15:24: Wisdom leads away from sheol (the grave, hell).

ii)   2 Tim. 3:15: It leads to salvation.

f)    How hard must I be willing to work to gain wisdom (Prov. 2:2-5)?  We must be willing to be diligent, like someone who mines for precious metals.  We are talking about the same value as well as the same process of hard work.  This is not what the “sound-byte” conditioned American wants to hear.  But you have to find it (in Proverbs, for example); then you have to prove it by using it in various situations in your life.

g)    Where does wisdom come from?

i)      Job 28:20-28: It comes from the Creator.

ii)   Prov. 2:6-7; James 1:5; Dan. 2:21: These passages says the same.  The LORD gives wisdom (Prov., Daniel); thus we can pray for wisdom (James) as we seek to prove it in our lives.

iii)            1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 2:3: As we have noted already, Christ is wisdom to us.  We gain wisdom as we grow in our relationship with Him.

iv) 2 Tim. 3:15: Wisdom is found in Scripture.  Jer. 8:9 says that if I reject the word of the LORD then the “wisdom” I have is not actually “wisdom.”

v)    Prov. 1:2-3,6: Within Scripture, the book called Proverbs is a source of wisdom.

vi) Prov. 10:31: Righteous people are a source of wisdom.

vii)          Prov. 24:5-6: Further, “many counsellors” are a good source for wisdom.

viii)       Prov. 19:20: Reproof is a great source of wisdom.  Of course, you must be willing to accept reproof for that to work. 

Finally, commit Prov. 9:10 to memory and meditate on it from time to time.

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