Thursday, August 10, 2023

Luke 6:30-38, GENEROSITY vs. stinginess (3)

iii)      What does it look like when God blesses those generous to the poor?

(1)                        Proverbs: The generous will find joy (14:21), will honor God (14:31) and the Lord will meet their needs (19:17).

(2)                        Psalm 41:1-3: The Lord will deliver the generous in their time of trouble, will preserve them, bless them, protect and strengthen them.  Giving generously does not deplete the giver’s storehouse.

(3)                        Isa. 58:10-12: The generous one will be honored, will be guided by the Lord, will experience satisfaction in his soul (again, the blessings are not just material).  They will prosper and so will their posterity.

(4)                        Ps. 112:9: Their righteous testimony will endure.

(5)                        Mt. 19:21; 1 Tim. 6:17-19: They will lay up treasure in heaven.

(6)                        And what of those who will not share with the poor?  They won’t be heard when they are in need (Prov. 21:13).  If you have ever known a person with the reputation of being miserly you will know this is true. And they will have many a curse (Prov. 28:27.)

iv)   God also guides us about lending to the poor.  If you give to the poor you might not have a continuing relationship.  But if you lend the relationship continues with a potential for trouble if what was lent is not returned.

(1)                        Lk. 6:30-38: Don’t ask for things to be returned.  Wait for him to return it to you.  And don’t lend just to those who are more likely to return it.  The overall principle is be merciful. 

(2)                        Deut. 15:7-11: Lend abundantly all that is needed.  Lend even when you know you will lose the item.  The Lord will reward.  So you can see: our attitude in “lending” makes it a lot like just “giving.”

v)            Finally, what different ways can we share with the poor?

(1)                        Luke 3:10-11: Share extra things, like a coat.

(2)                        Acts 11:27-30: Take offerings for special situations.

(3)                        Eph. 4:28; Ac. 9:36,39: Make things that you are good at making and give those away.

(4)                        Prov. 22:9: Share food.

(5)                        Prov. 29:7: Suppose their rights; take up their cause.

h)    Everything we do should be done “as unto the Lord” (Col. 3:23).  Think about this in these passages.

i)      Prov. 3:9-10: Give to the Lord first, off the top of the paycheck, not what is left over.  Generosity with the Lord honors Him.

ii)   Mal. 3:10-12: Generosity towards the Lord brings more blessings than you can handle.  God will “rebuke the devourer.”  This doesn’t refer to Satan but to extra, unplanned bills and uncounted on depletions of resources. 

For me, as a young man, memorizing Prov. 3:9-10 was helpful.

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