Monday, August 7, 2023

Ephesians 4:25-32, TOLERANCE vs. prejudice. (3)

d)    To whom are we commanded to show tolerance?  Of the four exhortations in 1 Thess. 5:14, the last applies to tolerance: be patient with all.  We know that in the Body of Christ there are certain actions we cannot tolerate (e.g. 1 Cor. 5:11; Titus 3:9).  But even in these types of situations, our “intolerance” is a form of “tough love” if you will.  And we carry this out with patience.  In other words, we persist in seeking to bring about repentance. 

e)    Among other things, in the Church (and in the world) here are a couple of things that destroy tolerance.

i)      James 2:2-4: James calls it “partiality.”  In the context it’s that quick forming of an opinion about people according to their financial situation.

ii)   1 Cor. 1:11-12: In Corinth it was what we might call “hero worship.”   People picked their favorite “evangelist” or “preacher” and then became intolerant of those who didn’t choose the same.  Do you think we do that today?  Don’t just look at the televangelists.  We feel pretty confident that the Lord wants us to declare if we are of Calvin or Wesley or Zwingli (I like Ulrich) or Simons.  Are we creating an intolerance that is necessary here?  I think we all agree that the issue is the Bible!

f)    Let’s conclude with the things that we have in Christ that will create an attitude of tolerance with the people around us.

i)      Gal. 5:22: Begin with being filled with the Spirit.  This is critical to patience and kindness which are fundamental to tolerance.

ii)   Col. 1:11: The Christian life is not living by a law or some regulations; it is being strengthened by God’s glorious power.  God must do this.  Prayer and the Word (talking to God, listening to God) are foundational.

iii)            Ephesians 4:

(1)                        4:2: A humble spirit leads to forbearance.

(2)                        4:25: Remember, in the Body of Christ we are members together.

(3)                        4:26-27: When something divides us, seek reconciliation, quickly.

(4)                        4:28: Ask God to help you to be a “giving” person rather than one who is always “taking.”

(5)                        4:29: Seek to make your words “edifying.”  Humor has a place, and conversations about sports or favorite recipes.  But words have a great power to build others up and that is God’s plan for us.

(6)                        4:30: Don’t grieve the Spirit.  When He lays a matter on your heart that has to do with fellow-believers, act on it.  Don’t ignore Him.

(7)                        4:31-32: Seek kindness! 

iv) 1 Cor. 13:4; Col. 3:14: Put on love!

There are many passages for memorization.  I like Phil. 2:2(-4).

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