Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanks Be To God

(#25, ?, 1944, 1952)
Read Eph. 5:21; Psalm 103.

Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock on November 22, 1620.  One year later they had their first thanksgiving.  Gov. William Bradford issued a proclamation that one day be set aside to thank the Giver of all things for the bounteous harvest.

Today's Thanksgiving celebrations are quite unlike that.  They are a time for fun, frolic, and the usual football games.
The Bible gives great prominence to the "praise of God".
w   Eph. 5:20: Always give thanks, for all things.
w   1 Thess. 5:18: God's will is thanksgiving in all things.
w   Psalm 103:2: Forget not His benefits.

The object of our Thanksgiving.
ƒ    Every gift is from God (James 1:17).
ƒ    Thus our thanks is to God (Eph. 5:20; Psalm 103:1).

The subject of our Thanksgiving.
John Angell James made it a custom to read this Psalm (103) every Saturday evening at family worship.  Then came the week that his wife died and on Saturday night when the family met for worship Mr. James stopped for a moment to think whether he could still read this Psalm.  Twas just for a moment, for he said, "Notwithstanding what has happened this week I see no reason for changing our usual custom.  'Bless the Lord, etc.'"
ƒ    Who forgives all our sins, v3,12.  Isaiah says God has blotted them out.  Jeremiah says God will remember them no more.    Has He done this for you?
ƒ    Who heals all our diseases.
ƒ    Who redeems us from destruction. (Gal. 1:4)
ƒ    Who crowns us with loving kindness and tender mercies (v4,8,11).  Home, family, friends, the necessities of life are from God.  How different a crown than Jesus wore for us.
ƒ    Who satisfies our mouth with good things.

These mercies and blessings are to those who fear Him (103:11,13,17) and obey Him (103:18).

Discouragement comes from forgetting past blessing.

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