Monday, November 3, 2014

A Lost Vision

(#5, ?)
 Read Revelation 3:14-22.

This one of the 7 letters of Revelation 2-3 concerns a church that was blind, that had lost it's vision.  The vision was lost because of materialism.  Money had blinded their eyes.  Often the success of a prosperous church is gauged by their fine building and equipment.

The vision was lost because of self satisfaction.  They were satisfied with their righteousness, failing to remember that their righteousness was as filthy rags (Isa. 64:6).

What a lost vision means.
w   It means a lost love.  There is no love for lost souls because their love is for material things.  There is no love for God because money is their God.  Do you remember Isaiah's vision in Isa. 6?  His vision filled him with a love for God and His people.
w   It means a lost power.  A man with a task without a vision is a drudge.  Remember Isaiah's vision in Isa. 6.  When Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up he was empowered to go forth.
w   It means a lost fellowship. 
w   It means a lost testimony.

The need.
    1.  To buy of Christ.  This is in contrast to buying from the world.  Gold speaks of divine righteousness; white raiment speaks of practical righteousness (Rev. 7:14); and eye salve speaks of the Holy Spirit who opens our eyes.
    2.  To see and hear Christ.  The church with no vision is called to "behold" Christ at the door.  Standing signifies his anxiety to gain an entrance.  Do you hear Christ knocking?  He knocks through His word and through our afflictions.
    3.  To obey and open.

It is up to us to open the door.  He will not knock the door down and come in.

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