Tuesday, September 24, 2024

oRead Acts 8:9-25. 8:20: "your money perish with you."

This is the 2nd reference to money by Peter.  The 1st was at the Beautiful Gate where he said "silver and gold have I none but such as I have I give to you."  And now here.  Both passages help us put money in its rightful place.  Money is simply no match for the power of God.  (Remember the woman who spent her life savings on doctors, but was healed only when she touched Christ.)  And money is no substitute for genuine faith.  Peter saw a blindness to the gospel on the part of Simon; so he was not gentle, even as Christ was not gentle with Peter (get thee behind me Satan).  Many would try to coddle the rich almost-believer, hoping to keep access to his money.  But it is a disservice to the rich man who already tends to have a high view of himself and his money (1 Tim. 6:9-10,17).

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