Tuesday, September 10, 2024

o Read Acts 3:11-26. 3:13,26: "His servant Jesus."

There is a principle in the Bible: God humbles the exalted and exalts the humble.  This principle is in operation in this gospel sermon.  It was the Holy One and the Just Who was denied (v14), the Prince of Life Who was killed (v15), and the Christ Who suffered (v18).  The Mighty One is humbled, supremely at the cross.  But then He is exalted, yet not the Mighty One but the Humble One.  God glorified His Servant Jesus (v13), He raised up His Servant Jesus (v26).  In our moments of greatness we must be humble; in our humility God will exalt.  This is the mind of the Lord (Phil. 2:5).  It is our "self esteem" (James 1:9-11).

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