Wednesday, September 18, 2024

oRead Acts 6:1-15. 6:3: "seek out from among you seven men of good reputation."

Numerous principles are seen here.  1) The Church didn't create more structure until there was a need (v1).  2) Leadership depends on character, not skill (v3).  3) The ministry of the Word and prayer is an essential ministry in every church (v4).  4) Effective leadership is shared leadership (v6).  5) Effective organization must allow for the work of the Spirit to continue, and not be stifled (v7).  6) In the Church, where love of brother is the basic command, good problem solving is based in humility and unselfishness, as seen by the 7 Greek names of the 1st Deacons.  (In other words, all 7 of them were drawn from that part of the church body that felt like they were being treated unfairly.)  With all this, it is worth noting that the Apostles didn't set out with a book on organization; rather they were faithful in the Word and prayer.  Like Stephen (v5,8,10) they were controlled by the Spirit.

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