Thursday, September 12, 2024

oRead 4:13-22. 4:13: "they realized they had been with Jesus."

What is better than that for an epitaph.  This is the mission of believers in this age: to let your light so shine that they may see your good works and glorify God in Heaven (Mt. 5:16).  Even these unbelieving Jews glorify God because they see no other explanation for the effectiveness of these uneducated men than that they had been with Jesus!  It's interesting that publicly the world will lay our Christian testimony at the feet of Satan (Mt. 9:34) or a drunken stupor (Ac. 2:13).  But in private they know that proximity to Christ is the only explanation.  Have I learned this?  The key to fruitful living is not my education or experience or evolution.  If I am with Jesus all these things can be overcome.



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