Saturday, November 7, 2015

Where in Scripture can I study the tribulation period?

This is the last of 4 blogs on the “tribulation period,” also called “Daniel’s 70th Week” and “the time of Jacob’s trouble.”
·        Oct. 17 we explained why the Church does not belong on earth at this time.
·        Oct. 24 we explained the schedule of the tribulation from Dan. 9 and Mt. 24.
·        Oct. 31 we explained the goals of the tribulation from Dan. 9 and Jer. 30-31.

Today we want to draw attention to four primary Scriptures to be studied in order to understand what God says will take place during the Tribulation Period.
·        Daniel 9:24-27 gives an amazingly precise time-frame for the tribulation.
·        Jeremiah 30-31 explains how God restores Israel and judges the nations.

·        Matthew 24-25 describes events during that time in answer to Jesus’ disciples asking about signs of His return. The destruction of the temple in 70AD (24:2) will be followed by difficulties (24:4-14) that lead up to the mid-point of the tribulation (24:15, the abomination of desolation).  Then the great tribulation (24:16-28) will immediately precede the return of Christ (24:29-31).  These things are certain to happen (24:32-35), though no one knows the day and hour (24:36-44).  Additional parables call for faithfulness (24:45-25:30) and Jesus explains the way in which the nations (Gentiles) will be judged as a result of their treatment of Israel during this time (25:31-46).

·        Revelation 4-19 explains how the tribulation leads to the revelation of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  There are three series of judgments, one leading to the next (breaking the seven seals of a scroll, 6; blowing seven trumpets, 8-9; pouring out seven bowls of wrath, 15-16).  Interspersed with these are various themes (e.g. the believers in the tribulation period, 7; God protects believing Israel, 12; antichrist and false prophet, 13; dismantling the end-time religious/economic system, 17-18).  The crescendo of history is reached in 19 when the Lord returns in power and glory.  The Church, His bride, having celebrated the Marriage Supper (19:1-10), returns with Him (19:14).  The armies of the earth, having gathered at Armageddon, are defeated (19:17-21) and the Millennial Kingdom begins (20:1ff).

Our purpose here has been to stimulate you to further study.  There are many other places in the Bible that speak of this time; but we have sought to give you the major passages.  May God use His word to equip and inspire you in serving Christ!  The night is far spent, the day is at hand.  Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light (Rom. 13:11-14).

(Next Saturday we plan to talk about Biblical references to the involvement of the nations in the latter times.)

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