Friday, November 6, 2015

The Incomparable Uniqueness of Jesus

Of all the names throughout the world that we have ever known,
The name of "JESUS" is supreme - and surely stands alone.
Four men were HIS biographers and left their records here;
We call their works: "The Gospels" and they're known both far & near.

Their names are "Matthew," "Mark," and "Luke," and "John is number four;
Each one claimed JESUS died and 'rose - and lives forevermore!
You may subscribe to what they wrote - or even disagree,
But where you spend FOREVER involves this Biography!

That HE is "truly man," those gospel records underscore,
But when we read them through we find HE'S infinitely more.
The only man in HIS-story Who knew, before HIS birth,
Exactly when, and how, and why - HE came to be on earth.

HIS visits to the Temple started out in infancy;
But even then phenomena were present constantly.
When HE was twelve HE met with all the Doctors of the Law;
HIS questions and HIS answers left them standing there in awe!

At thirty years of age HE launched HIS public ministry;
HE called HIS twelve apostles - who responded instantly.
Day after day they journeyed with their LORD throughout the land;
They saw HIS works, they heard HIM teach - things hard to understand:
"I AM the Resurrection, and I also AM the Door,
Ye must be born again," HE said, "to live forevermore.
I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE; I bid all 'Come to ME;'
I AM the BREAD, I AM the SHEPHERD," of Psalm Twenty Three!

HE set the demon captives free, turned water into wine;
And, from the little urchin's lunch, HE made five thousand dine.
HE walked on water, healed the sick - and even raised the dead!
The blind were given back their sight, the weak made strong instead.

HE stilled the storm on Galilee; and made the lepers clean;
"In Israel," the people said, "such things were never seen!"
HE knows each fish that's swimming - and HE knows each bird that flies,
The grains of sand throughout the earth and stars across the skies.

Some people learn to read your lips, but this MAN knows your mind;
But why should this surprise us? HE'S CREATOR of Mankind!
We came to live - and we also came involuntarily;
Because HE loves, HE came to die for us - vicariously!

If you have heard - or read - these lines, and end up being lost,
Don't say, "nobody told me, what my negligence will cost."
Unless you put your trust in HIM, for you 'twas all in vain;
Receive HIM now; you've naught to lose - and everything to gain.

The SAVIOR still invites you; Why not come to HIM today?
And trust HIM for salvation; HE still hears you when you pray!

For HIS glory,      By Shel Helsley
(Shel was a rural church-planter and pastor for 50 years in Montana.  He was a close friend with my father, Bertram Youde.  Both are with the Lord!)

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