Sunday, November 22, 2015

Psalm 66

An oft memorized verse on prayer is Psalm 66:18: If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.  I memorized it years ago under the title Hindrances to Answered Prayer.  It is worth remembering.  If I come to God, while giving a place in my heart to sin, God will not hear me.  Pure and simple.  

But as is ALWAYS the case, one should never memorize this isolated verse without reference to the context.  Verse 18 actually is the verse that helps make sense of Psalm 66 in its entirety.  Having read the Song let us note the major movements first and then we can see how this verse presents an important truth for us in making sense out of every part of our lives.

·        66:1-4 calls all the earth to worship God (and they will, v4).
·        66:5-7 calls all the earth to come and see God’s awesome works.  The writer points out two similar events in the Exodus, the crossing of the Red Sea when they first left Egypt and the crossing of the Jordon River at flood stage when they were ready to enter the Promised Land.  These (and many other works of God) give reason to praise Him.
·        66:8-12 calls all the earth to bless God.  Now pay special attention.  To bless (Heb: barak) God is to praise Him, to speak well of Him.  But notice why God is to be blessed.  It is because He has tested us, refined us as silver, brought us into the net, laid affliction on our backs, and caused men to ride over our heads.  We went through the fire and through water.  But You brought us out to rich fulfillment.  This kind of “treatment” by God would cause many to curse Him; but we are called to bless God for these things, to speak well of Him.  Notice what follows.
·        66:13-15 records the commitment of the Psalmist.  Having gone through the time of affliction He is lead to a deeper relationship with God.  He is at the Lord’s house offering sacrifice and fulfilling the vows made to God in the time of trouble.  These vows are not a bribe of some sort meant to get God to change His treatment of us; they are the response of the sinner who through the affliction has learned to trust God rather than himself.
·        66:16-20 call all who fear God to come and hear the testimony of the Psalmist who has cried out to God and been heard.  He did not regard iniquity in his heart; and God did not turn away his prayer but was merciful.

The fact is that we often come to God while having a regard for sin in our hearts, whether we know it or not.  God is to be blessed because by affliction He has pointed out our weakness, our unbelief, our pride.  If He did not do this we would never know the iniquity hidden in the nooks and crannies of our hearts.  We would never know that God has heard us.  We would miss out on His mercy!

Friend, bless the Lord today.  Thank Him for taking you through the fire and water.  Thank Him for purifying your heart!

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