Saturday, August 21, 2021

Exodus 40:17-38, Thoughts from Exodus (18)

3942   The children of Israel did all the works in putting together the Tabernacle.  God gave Moses the idea; Bezalel led in the workmanship; the people then did the work.  So in the body of Christ, He has given gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) to equip the saints to do the ministry (Eph. 4:11-16).

4003   The three items in the Ark of the Covenant (Heb. 9:4)_ dealt with significant directives from the LORD.  The Ten Commandments, the establishment of Aaron and his family as the priests through whom the people could connect with God, and the promise of God to care for Israel in the wilderness.

4016   Obedient Moses!  God was gracious; Moses was obedient.

4016   There are frequent references to the obedience of Moses.  He is a good leader, shepherd over his household.  In the matter of the tabernacle, the people followed his leadership and did all that the LORD commanded (39:42-43).

4033   Moses finished the work!  So Paul had this desire (Acts 20:24) and he did finish the work (2 Tim. 4:7).

4035   Even Moses could not enter the tabernacle when the glory of God rested on the Mercy Seat.  The Presence of God is no trivial matter.  We like to sing of Him as our “Friend” (I am the friend of God, I am the friend of God).  But He never ceases to be Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD God Almighty!

4039 There are some things to review in Exodus.  One is the griping and complaining of the people of Israel.  It begins in the land (5:20-21) when Moses’ first meeting with Pharaoh ends up in added work for the people.  But then there is no record for a while.  Why would there be?  Things were going good for Israel and bad for Egypt.  But as they went out into the desert it began again.  Here are the occasions in Exodus.  There will be more, sadly, in Numbers.

·       14:10-11: When Moses’ leadership brings them to a dead end, impossible situation at the Red Sea, the people complained.  Because there were there no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness?

·       15:24-25: Immediately after the Red Sea miracle, at the bitter waters of Marah, they complained, What shall we drink? God declared this to be a special place for them to be tested and learn of His care for them.

·       16:2-4: Again, in short order they complained, Oh, that we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full!  For you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.  God’s answer is in the manna, bread from heaven. 

·       32:1: This is a complaint against God’s timing.  Moses is 40 days up on the Mountain and the people become impatient.  The result is the Golden Calf!

In 16:8 Moses makes a statement that is true of ALL complaining, including ours.  The people complained against the leadership, the shepherd, the “government” of Moses; but Moses is right, that Your complaints are not against us but against the LORD. 

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