Saturday, September 8, 2018

John 21:15-25, Love Believes All Things

1)   Definition:
1.   Word:
a.   Basic word for "believe".
b.     Vine: “to believe,” hence, “to place confidence in, to trust,” signifies, in this sense of the word, reliance upon, not mere credence.
2.     Commentaries:
a.   Morris: always ready to allow for circumstances, and to see the best in others... always ready to give the benefit of the doubt.
b.   Redpath: We are apt to view every action with suspicion and become cynical toward those who are down, but love is not suspicious.

2)   Illustrations:
1.   In John 21 what did Jesus entrust to Peter?

2.   In Mark 10:17-23 how did Jesus illustrate this aspect of love?

3)   Biblical principles:
a)   Are we to be naive, believing anyone and everything?  What do these passages teach us?
i)     John 2:24-25:

ii)    Mt 10:16-17:

Albert Barnes: It cannot mean, that the man who is under the influence of love is a man of universal credulity; that he makes no discrimination in regard to things to be believed; and is as prone to believe a falsehood as the truth; of that he is at no pains to inquire what is true and what is false, what is right and what is wrong.  But it must mean, that in regard to the conduct of others, there is a disposition to put the best construction on it; to believe that they may be actuated by good motives, and that they intend no injury; and that there is a willingness to suppose as far as can be, that what is done is done consistently with friendship, good feeling, and virtue.

b)   How can I grow in this matter? 1 Peter 4:19
i)     By believing in Christ, entrusting yourself to God, having confidence in Him.
ii)    PT: when you are counting on God for everything, then the times that people disappoint you will mean nothing bec. you were counting on God anyway!!!

4)   Application:
a)   Memorize Philippians 2:3-4.

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