Tuesday, September 11, 2018

2 Cor. 11:22-33, Love Endures All Things

1)   Definition:
1.   Endures:
a.   Vine:
i.     To bear up under.
ii.    Does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial.
b.   Hodge: Military term: to sustain assault of the enemy.
c.   Morris: "not a patient, resigned acquiescence, but an active positive fortitude."
d.   Song 8:7: Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, It would be utterly despised.

2.     Relationship to...
a.     Love is patient:
i.       Patient has to do w/people.
ii.     Endurance has to do w/circumstances.
b.     Love "bears" all things...
i.       Bears refers to annoyances.
ii.     Endurance refers to persecutions, sufferings.
c.      Love "hopes" all things...
i.       Hope gives rise to endurance.
ii.     1 Thess 1:3.

2)   Illustrations: (Note: it is the evidence of a genuine relationship with God; thus all God's men have it.)
Who demonstrates this aspect of love in these passages?  What was the situation?
a)   Heb. 12:2:
b)   Job 13:15:
c)   Heb. 11:27:
d)   Gen. 29:20:
e)   1 Co 9:18-22; 2 Tim 2:10; 3:11:
f)    2 Thess 1:4:

3)   Biblical principles:
a)   James 1:12: Focus on eternity.

b)   2 Tim 2:3-4,8-10: These passages emphasize the believer’s military position instead of his "sonship" position.  The point is that we should expect an assault.

c)   Meditate on God's love for us.

d)   Heb. 12:2: Consider Christ.

4)   Application:
a)   Memorize Heb 12:1-2.

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