Friday, December 8, 2017

Zephaniah 3:8-20

As is common in the prophets, preaching concerning the immediate situation is then directed to the future, latter days situation with Israel.  Now Judah and Jerusalem are corrupt and deserving judgment.  The day of the LORD will come and God’s people will suffer terribly.  But we have already heard of a future remnant that will possess the enemy nations. And now, the words wait for Me and until that day tell us we are now moving to the end of the story, the day when God’s full purpose will be fulfilled.  He speaks not only of nations and Israel; He speaks of all the earth, in that day and at that time, phrases that are common in passages that look to the still-future day of the LORD.

·        3:8-10: In that day, after an earth-wide judgment, the nations will be restored with a pure lip; no more will they speak the arrogance against the LORD but they will call on the name of the LORD and serve Him with one accord.  The nations will give up the dispersed ones of Israel, even from beyond Ethiopia.  At the outset of the earthly Millennial Kingdom of Christ the nations will be saved and will worship in My holy mountain in Jerusalem.

·        3:11-13: In that day there will be a remnant of Israel, a saved nation of meek and bumble people who trust in the name of the LORD.  How glorious!  How honoring to the LORD!  As God was righteous in their midst, so His people shall do no unrighteousness.  Righteousness and peace will characterize the Kingdom of Messiah.

·        3:14-20: In that day there will be great rejoicing among God’s people.  The final day of the LORD will be completed with everything as it should be.  The key to this great joy is this: The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst (3:15).  The LORD IS the King of Israel.  Because He is in their midst …
o   3:16: Jerusalem will no longer live in fear.
o   3:17: The nation of Israel will be saved.  It will be the work of the Mighty One.  As a saved people they will be blessed abundantly with His love.
o   3:18-19: The meek and humble who were burdened by Jerusalem’s sin will flourish.  Truly the humble will be exalted in Israel.
o   3:20: Israel itself will be exalted, given a great name among all the nations.  Israel today and for centuries has been reproached by the nations.  But that will cease in the Kingdom of Messiah.  And was that not what God promised to Abraham?  I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing (Gen. 12:2).

In the latter days the greatest evidence of God’s faithfulness will be the way He brings Israel through the fire, a saved remnant in whose midst the LORD Himself will rule over the nations!  What He will do for Israel He is doing now among the nations in the Body of Christ.  Read again Zeph. 3:17.  This is what it is like in the Kingdom of God!  Is God reigning in your midst?  In your life?

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