Saturday, December 16, 2017

God's New Covenant with Israel (9), 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Let us continue Paul’s explanation of how the promise through Jeremiah is fulfilled in the believer today, whether Jew or Gentile.
·        2 Cor. 3:1-18: The Ministry of the New Covenant.
o   3:7-11: Paul is very clear: the Old Covenant ministry is one that will bring death; it is the ministry of death and the ministry of condemnation.  That is not to say it was not a glorious ministry.  It was, after all, God’s doing and God’s law at the center of it.  But Paul likens the glory of that ministry to the glory that shown on the face of Moses: it was external and temporary.  The ministry of the Spirit is a ministry of righteousness; it actually produces what the Law could not produce.  Thus the NC ministry is more glorious: it is internal and eternal.  

o   3:12-18:  If we ask specifically what the Spirit does to bring about the relationship with God promised in the NC Paul gives us at least two answers in this passage.
§  First, the Spirit brings liberty, freedom to see Christ in the gospel.  That is the sense of v17.  When the Spirit is present in the experience of the one who has been blinded, through the Spirit’s convicting work (John 16:9-11) that one turns to the Lord and the veil is removed.  

§  Second, when the veil is removed, the light of the gospel shines on them (2 Cor. 4:4).  In other words, they are able to see Christ who is at the center of the gospel.  Christ is no longer a source of contention or merely an intellectual subject of conversation or a well-known religious leader.  Thus the Spirit is able to take the gospel which presents Christ who IS the image of God and use it in the life of the one who has entered the New Covenant.  As that person sees Christ more clearly that person is changed into the same image, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

How does a person open himself up to the work of the Holy Spirit?  We have two critical truths to say concerning this.  First, receiving the Holy Spirit required the death and resurrection of Christ.  As Jeremiah said, the NC rests on the fact that sins and iniquities have been taken care of; God is able to forget them, a truth requiring the work of His Son!

Second, that person must put his trust in Christ alone for this forgiveness.  When faith has been expressed the Holy Spirit enters into the life of that person.  This is what Jesus promised His disciples (John 14:15-18).  This fits the words of Paul: if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His (Rom. 8:9).  It is the experience of the believer at the point of faith.  Again God spoke through Paul in 1 Cor. 12:13 (and note the word all): For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body – whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free – and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

The New Covenant is the new wine; and the gospel ministry or ministry of the new covenant is the new wineskin.  Paul engaged in the gospel ministry is both preaching the gospel and in establishing churches.  Paul trusted the Holy Spirit to do what only the Spirit could do in bringing new life to those who believed.  We should engage in this same ministry today, and trust the Spirit to do His work!

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