Thursday, December 28, 2017

Zechariah 5

This chapter contains two related visions.
·        5:1-4: The vision of the flying scroll.  This is simple but profound, the vision in v1-2 and interpretation in v3-4.  Zechariah sees in the heavens a scroll with writing on both sides.  The scroll was about 20x10 cubits, the size of the Holy of Holies in the temple.  The interpretation is that this scroll contains a curse that applies to the whole earth.  And the curse is on those who steal and those who lie.  These are two prevalent sins, sins that people attempt to hide in their houses.  Thus the point is that those who sin, even in secret, will reap what they sow.  The judgment will remain on that house and will consume it.  The likely reference to the Holy of Holies indicates the curse is from the LORD.

·        5:5-11: The vision of a woman in a basket, with the interpretation interwoven.
o   Zechariah sees a basket going forth, being carried in the air by two women (angels?) with wings like a stork.  A lead disc covers the basket which, when removed, reveals a woman inside.  The lid is replaced and the basket is taken to the land of Shinar and there set on the place prepared for it.

o   The interpretation is significant.
§  First, this vision applies to the whole earth (v6b). 
§  Second, the woman is Wickedness (v8a).  Literally, this wickedness.  She is fundamentally or inherently wicked.
§  Third, wickedness is restrained by the heavy covering over the basket.
§  And fourth, wickedness will have a base (a place made specifically for her) in the land of Shinar which is Babylon.  

How did this comfort those working on the temple?  Babylon had by this time been replaced by the Medes and Persians as the reigning world empire.  But God’s dealing with sin, seen in both these visions, would have been comforting.  Sin was still an issue among the people of Judah; and they were still being chastened by God through their Gentile masters.  They are not yet the saved nation but these visions told them that God was in control of that issue as well.

For us it is hard not to see the harlot of Rev. 17-18 (esp. 17:5-6) in this vision.  She stands for the world system that Satan (the dragon) uses to rule over the earth.  The harlot is indeed wickedness, called the mother of harlots (spiritual harlotry, idolatry) and of the abominations of the earth.  She is situated in Babylon (Mystery, Babylon the Great).  And at the moment, she is restrained (2 Thess. 2:7) until that time when she is unleashed.  We also know that the day will come when we, with all the other hosts of heaven, will exalt God with Hallelujahs! at the time of her total destruction (Rev. 19:1-4).

The people of Judah should know that God is not missing anything.  He will judge sin, sin in the heart and sin as a system.  We should be comforted by the same truth.  True and righteous are His judgments!

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