Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Abundance of Life

(Again we are sharing devotionals from my father, Bertram J. Youde.  This will carry us through the month of October.)
(#851; Imperial, 1960)
Read John 10:10
Christ had little to say about the length of a man's life.  But he had much to say about the depth and breadth of life.  Scripture speaks of the Christian's experience in the most glowing and superlative terms.

ƒ      The New Testament norm of Christian experience.
Christ came to give abundant life.  This life should be one of...
w    Extraordinary joy, 1 Peter 1:7-8, not unhappy frustration.
w    Extraordinary peace, Phil. 4:6-7, not fretfulness, anxiety.
w    Extraordinary contentment, Phil. 4:11, not griping, dissatisfaction or complaint.
w    Extraordinary faith, Matt. 17:20, not doubt ,uncertainty or skepticism.
w    Extraordinary love, Eph. 3:19, not selfishness, unforgiveness.
w    Extraordinary power, Phil. 4:13, not a life of limping along or inadequacy.
w    Extraordinary victory, Rom. 8:35-37.

ƒ      Why are we failing in our Christian experience?
The trouble lies in our superficial relation to God.  The norm of Christian experience lies in Christ...
w    Joy: John 15:11.
w    Peace: Eph. 2:14.
w    Contentment: 2 Peter 1:3.
w    Faith: Gal. 2:20.
w    Love: Rom. 5:5.
w    Power: Phil. 4:13.
w    Victory: 2 Cor. 2:14.
Christ came to give that life abundant.  Our lack lies in a superficial relation to the ONE through whom we have all things.

ƒ      The secret of the abundant life lies in a strong relation to God.
Isaiah 40:31: "They that wait upon the Lord."  Developing any relationship takes time.  So for starters we are encouraged to spend more time with God.

Wait on the Lord!

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