Monday, September 28, 2015

Col. 4:7-18

Colossians ends with a somewhat lengthy personal passage where Paul extends greetings to the church.  But tucked into these personal words are some valuable examples of faithfulness.  These individuals are worth our attention.

¨     Tychicus (v7-8) lived in constant change.  He was from Asia (Ac. 20:4), travelled with Paul to Jerusalem (Ac. 20:4), then to Rome (Col. 4:7), then to Colosse with letters, back to Rome during the 2nd imprisonment (2 Tim. 4:12), then to Ephesus for Timothy.  Yet he was faithful (Eph. 6:21), even when all others left Paul (2 Tim. 1:15; 4:12).  Are you a faithful bondservant in the midst of change?

¨     Onesimus (v9) faced an uncertain future.  He was the runaway slave spoken of in Philemon who became a believer in Rome and was now returning to his master.  He didn’t know how Philemon might punish him but he was faithful.

¨     Aristarchus (v10a) was Paul’s companion in danger.  He faced an angry mob at Ephesus (Acts 19:29), accompanied Paul on his voyage to Rome (Acts 27:2), and was now his fellow-prisoner.  Are you faithful to Christ in the face of possible difficulty?

¨     Mark (v10b) overcame a disappointing start in ministry.  He left Paul and Barnabas on their 1st missionary journey.  Paul would not take him the next time, yet would later say, He is helpful to me in the ministry (2 Tim. 4:11).  Have you given up serving Christ because of past failures?  Or have those failures become a springboard to faithful ministry?

¨     Justus (v11) demonstrates humility in changing his name from Jesus.  He wanted to be sure the ministry was about Christ.  Further he is identified among those who stayed with Paul when most others departed.  Does your loyalty to Christ depend on the crowd?

¨     Epaphras (v12-13) lost his freedom.  He went to see Paul in Rome and while there was imprisoned (Phlm. 23).  Yet, he was faithful (Col. 1:7).  

¨     Luke (v14a) was a doctor who apparently left the honored, if not lucrative, medical field to travel with Paul and was with him at the end (2 Tim. 4:11).  Do you need a good salary or good benefits to follow Christ faithfully?

¨     Demas (v14b) was with Paul at this time but later left Paul having loved the world (2 Tim. 4:9).  He was not faithful.  Though he served for awhile his ultimate departure demonstrated his true heart.

¨     Archippus (v17) had a heavy spiritual responsibility.  He may have been Philemon’s son (Phlm 2) and a pastor in Colossae.  His faithfulness was still up in the air so Paul encouraged him to take heed to his ministry.

          The passage contains several keys to faithfulness: prayer (v12), fellowship (v15), the word of God (v16), spiritual vigilance (v17), and the grace of God (v18).  Are these part of your normal Christian life?  Or are you setting yourself up for unfaithfulness?

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