Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ephesians 4:7-16

          The worthy walk of unity is lived out by the right attitudes (4:1-3) and maintaining the doctrinal unities (4:4-6).  It is also lived out by the way that a church fellowship serves Christ.

          In 4:7-10 we are taught that Christ gave His church certain gifts.  We believe the passage teaches that Christ, at His death, descended into Hades to announce His provision of redemption.  He then led out those Old Testament saints who awaited the redemption, taking them back to heaven.  As He ascended to heaven He gave gifts to His body, the church, that they might function in such a way as to be His fullness here on earth.  (Compare Eph. 4:10 to Eph. 1:22-23.)

          The gifts referred to here are not the spiritual gifts spoken of in Rom. 12 and 1 Cor. 12 which are given to all believers.  These gifts are men identified in v11.  The apostles and prophets were men in New Testament times, the foundation of the church (Eph. 2:20).  Evangelists (those who excel in the preaching of the gospel) and pastors and teachers are men given to local churches throughout the history of the church.  (There is a good case made for pastor and teacher referring to the same man.  Pastors or shepherds are called to teach; teachers are called to shepherd those they teach.)

          There is a progression that follows from the ministry of these gifts or men.  Remember that Christ is to fill all things whether in heaven or on earth.  The Church must come to maturity that it might be the fullness of Christ on earth.

·        v11-12a: the gifts Christ gave to the church equip or enable the saints.
·        v12b: the saints do the work of ministry.  Maturity is gained as we serve Christ, not as we sit idly by.
·        v12c: in this way the church is edified or built up.
·        v13: the process continues until the church comes to maturity, which is the stature of the fullness of Christ.
          But someone might ask, “What does a church look like when it is exhibiting the fullness of Christ?”  Verses 14-16 answer this question.
·        v14: the mature church is solid in doctrine, not giving in to every theological fad that comes along. 
·        v15: the mature church speaks the truth but in a loving fashion.  Both in speaking to each other and in speaking to the world the mature church is clear in it’s teaching, but patient and gentle in dealing with those held captive by Satan’s snares (cf. 2 Tim. 2:23-26).
·        v16: the mature church sees each member as crucial to its growth.  Christ, by the Spirit, has given something to each believer that is to be shared with the family of God.  The body is knit together by what every part supplies.

          All believers in Christ ought to be united to a local church.  What do you know of your church?  Is it moving to maturity according to Christ’s description?  Are Christ’s gifts able to minister as He intended?  What is your part?

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