Friday, January 2, 2015

The Temptation of Christ

(#33, Big Bear, Hinkley, 1953; Imperial 1953,1959)

Read Luke 4:1-13.
The first event recorded after the baptism of the Lord is the temptation.  From a season of honor and glory He passed in one step to a season of conflict and suffering.

On the cross Christ tasted death for every man; in the wilderness Christ tasted temptation for every man.

The first temptation (Luke 4:1-4).
ƒ    The temptation...
w   Satan seeks to destroy faith, the mainstay of Christianity... ("If thou be the son of God"; "Hath God said".)
w   Satan picks out the weak point.  Christ was hungry; these stones were perhaps shaped like loaves of bread.
ƒ    The answer ... Man shall not live by bread alone.  We are not to be guided by the wants of the lower nature.

The second temptation (Luke 4:5-8).
ƒ    The temptation...
w   To have yielded to this temptation would have been a short cut to the kingdom which will some day be Christ's. 
w   Some think they can take a short cut in the Christian life by leaving out prayer, the study of the Word, giving, etc.  Satan says, "All this property, power, standing I will give you if you will worship me."
w   What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world?
ƒ    The answer...Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God!

The third temptation (Luke 4:9-13).
ƒ    The temptation...
w   Satan again endeavors to throw doubt in Christ's mind ("If Thou be the Son of God").
w   Satan uses scripture (Psalm 91:11-12).  He didn't quote all of it for this Psalm implies one must be in the path of duty and in God's will to experience this care.
ƒ    The answer ... Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

    1.  Satan is a person of power and subtlety.
    2.  The manner in which the Lord resisted... "it is written."
    3.  The purpose of Christ's temptation: Heb. 2:18!
Christ is adequate to meet temptation.

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