Thursday, August 29, 2024

oRead Acts 1:1-3. 1:1: "began to do and teach."

 (With todays post we are taking a more "devotional" approach for the next almost 3 months.  These are from a booklet produced with believers in mind who are members of the body of Christ, intended to use their spiritual gifts in the ministry of the Lord's choosing.  In other words, it's for all believers, once they have come to realize who they are in Christ.  The posts are much shorter than what we usually do.  And each one calls for reading a passage from Acts with an emphasis on one phrase or thought within that passage.  We hope you find it helpful.)

Luke wrote 2 New Testament books.  "The Gospel of Luke" told of what Christ "began to do and teach" while He lived on this earth.  Acts tells about the "continuing" work and word of Jesus.  How so, you ask, since Jesus departs this earth in the first chapter?  Because the Church, His Body, was doing the work, and continues to do His work to this day.  What is the work Christ is doing?  The work is, "I will build my Church" (Mt. 16:18).  How is the work accomplished?  The teaching is essential for it is the word of grace that builds us up (Ac. 20:32; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).  That is why we are commanded to only seek that which edifies (1 Cor. 14:1-5,26), which is especially true for those who are evangelists and pastor/teachers (Eph. 4:11-16).  Their task is to equip (build up) the saints that they might do the ministry.

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