Saturday, August 24, 2024

2 Cor. 5, Why Should I Care About You?

What we have today is a “paraphrastic” journey through 2 Cor. 5.  I have to do this now and then, talk my way through a section of Scripture, for the purpose of understanding the logical argument that is being made.  It’s not uncommon.  Perhaps you have done the same.  This chapter was such a blessing and encouragement to me personally that I thought I would share it with you. 

2 Cor. 5:1 comes after 2 Cor. 4:16-18 where we are reminded that our view of life must be different than the normal explanations we hear day to day.  We are not overcome by our trials because, from our point of view, they are doing something good in us.  And just what is our “point of view?”  It is the view of eternal things rather than temporary things.  Chapter 5 explains this, beginning with the fact that any of our trials might end in death, the destruction of our earthly house or more accurately, our earthly tent.  Here is how Ch. 5 makes sense to me.

We don’t fear destruction of our earthly tent but actually desire the heavenly clothing (v2).  In other words, we’re not leaving this body to be without a body as if bodies are a problem.  In heaven we will not be naked (v3).  Thus we will be “further” clothed (v4) … something that builds on what we have now but takes us much further (1 Cor. 15).  This was always God’s plan, that we have a body (v5).  So for sure, if we are in this body we are not with the Lord (v6).  By faith, we know sometime we will be with the Lord, because that’s our destination (v7).  So when that happens we will be absent from this body (v8).  Whichever body we are in, it is from God and we want to use it to please Him (v9).  This desire to please Him makes sense, because, as His creation, we know we will all give an account to Him for how we lived in this world (v10).  But also, since I know this day of accountability to be true for everyone, one thing that pleases God is that I seek to persuade others to seek to please Him too, with part of that “ministry” involving me being an open testimony before others (v11).  I’m not bragging about this, about being able to be an example for others (v12).  Rather, we are giving you “ammo” to stand up to those who attack you for Christ’s sake (v13).  You can use us for an example since all of us … me, you, and the enemies of Christ … all of us were dead spiritually (v14).  The point is not how good we are but that Christ has provided a means for us to be right before God, and He did this so that we might live for Him (v15).  We see things differently: we view ourselves and those around us spiritually or eternally (4:16-18), as to how they relate to Christ (v16).  In Christ we are a new creation, which is a radical truth to think about, because it makes everything different (new) in our way of thinking and living (v17).  This should not surprise us: it is all part of God’s “reconciling” work in the world (v18), a work in which we also participate with Him (v19).  In other words, it is why we care about others and the confidence or fear they will have when they appear before God (v10-11).  So now I will say to you, as I say to all: be reconciled to God (v20).  Believe in Christ because He is the way we sinners can stand before God in righteousness (v21).  Hallelujah!

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