Saturday, July 20, 2024

Rom. 14:14-15:2, Our Call to Serve Christ

First, at the burning bush God revealed Himself to Moses.  Then He called Moses.  “Moses, I am faithful, powerful, holy, compassionate and gracious.  I have seen … I am burdened … I have come down … and I am sending you!”  God was ready to lay His burden on Moses.  But Moses was reluctant to accept it.  Moses was full of excuses, reasons why he was not the one to do God’s work.

Before we begin to look at Moses’ self-made hindrances, let me remind you that Moses was known in Scripture, first and foremost, as a servant.  If you are a believer in Christ you should understand that service is fundamental to who you are in Christ.  Meditate on the following:

Ø Jesus Himself was a servant.  He came to serve, not to be served. Matt. 20:28

Ø Greatness for God is accomplished by service. Mark 9:35

Ø Jesus called us servants. Yes, we are “sons,” and “friends,” and “brothers.”  But we are also servants.  John 12:26

Ø Jesus equated serving Him with following Him. John 12:26

Ø God receives glory from our service. 2 Cor. 3:7-10

Ø God gave believers the ministry (i.e. service) of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:18

Ø Jesus designed the Church to produce service. The saints (believers) need to be equipped for the work of ministry (service). Eph. 4:12

Ø God rewards believers for faithful service. He will not forget our service, which is defined as a “work and labor of love.” Heb. 6:10

Ø God gave believers spiritual gifts for service. I Peter 4:10-11

Ø Jesus is evaluating each church's service. Rev. 2:19

Like Moses, we have had a burden laid on us that comes from our Lord.  He is building His Church (Matt. 16:18).  Like the LORD who saw Israel and had compassion on Israel, and called Moses to lead them out, so Christ sees a world in need and has compassion, and has called us to make disciples in all nations (Mt. 28:19-20).  In other words, by His Spirit and grace we have been called to the Church-building ministry.  It is His work, and He has called us to serve Him so that He can do His work through us.  In today’s reading we are called to have a relationship with those around us which leads to the edification (building up) of Christ’s Church (Rom. 1:2).

This is what Moses experienced.  God said, “This is My work.  I have seen Israel’s hard situation and heard their cry.  I have come down to deliver them.”  Then He said, “Here is how I am going to do it Moses.  I am going to do it through you!”  In Christ we see the same kind of calling.  “I have seen your neighbors and family and friends.  I am concerned, willing that all should come to repentance.  I have come down, and made a way for this to happen.  And now, I am sending you.” 

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