Monday, July 22, 2024

Ex. 3:11-12; 33:1-3,12-17, No Excuses! (1)

Has there been a time that you can remember when you believed God wanted you to follow a particular course of action, but you met the thought with an excuse?  It is common.  Ultimately, all excuses like this are forms of “unbelief.”  Yet we have them.  And so did Moses.  There should be a plethora of “transferrable concepts” in the next few posts as we work through Moses’ excuses.

·       Excuse #1: “Who am I that I should be confident?” (3:11-12)

“Confidence” is an issue.  Without it we are less likely to follow through on tough tasks.  Years ago the State of Montana sent all their “public servants” to “Lou Tice Seminars.”  Here is the gist of what they learned to say about themselves that would bolster their confidence.

"I am free to focus on anything I wish, see myself in any way I want to."

"I can be peaceful in times of conflict."

"I accept myself totally and therefore can accept others."

"It's okay for me to make mistakes.  Mistakes are a natural part of learning."

"I give myself permission to express who I am and to feel good about it."

In other words, they were taught to look inside themselves and find something good!  When God wanted Moses to become a confident servant He sent him to the “Burning Bush Seminar.”  Here is what he learned:

“Moses, you can’t do this.”

“But I will be with you!”

This promise of God to His servants is all over the Old Testament.  Here is a chart split over 2 posts.  The columns give the reference, situation, whether the promise is joined to a command not to fear, and other encouragements from God.






Abram just rescued Lot


God his shield, reward


Jacob, returning home to face Esau




Moses when called by God



Ex.33:1-3, 12-17

Moses told to leave Sinai, God won't go with Him


Presence distinguishes Israel fr. other nations


Israel ready to enter Canaan


"I'll fight for you"


Pre-battle pep-talk for Israel


"I'll fight for you"


Israel, verge of Canaan


"I'll fight for you"


Joshua, to replace Moses


Be courageous, strong


Joshua, to replace Moses


Emp. on Word of God


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