Tuesday, July 16, 2024

1 Sam. 1:21-28, Transferrable Concepts Part 3

·       Life related principles (continued).

o   Have compassion on your children as God your Father does with you.  Isaiah 66:13 speaks of God’s comfort for His people being like that of a mother for a child.  Paul made a similar argument in 1 Thess. 2:7. This is a universal principle that a mother has compassion on her children.

o   Be one with your wife (for God’s sake, for your children’s sake).

§  Mal. 2:15; 4:6: Marital oneness is tied to rearing children in godliness.  It is especially addressed to husbands/fathers.

§  Psalm 128: This Psalm connects a happy marriage with happy children.

·       Future related principles.

o   Yield your children to God.  1 Sam. 1:21-28: Hannah wanted a child in the worst way.  She was willing to present the child to God from the start.

o   Seek God’s specific will for your children.  Each child is different.  God has a plan for each of them.

§  Gen. 49: Jacob blessed his sons, each differently.  These were prophecies that came from his knowledge of the boys.

§  Judges 13:12: Samson’s parents asked God how to raise him.  We would probably say that Samson didn’t always please his parents, but they did do what the LORD directed them to do.

§  Matt. 19:14: Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.  Parents need to give children the opportunity to trust Christ.

o   Support your children’s spiritual growth steps.  Judges 6:31: Gideon tore down the idol but at night because he was afraid.  Nevertheless, his father didn’t criticize his cowardice but backed him up against the townspeople.

o   Give appropriate guidance in the choice of a life partner.

§  Gen. 24: I know we don’t usually do the thing where parents choose a spouse for a child.  But the things Abraham and his chief servant had in mind for a spouse for Isaac can be very instructive to a child today.

§  Gen. 28: Isaac gave Jacob general advice (get a wife, not from the Canaanites but from your clan).  In other words, we should have the conversation.

o   Allow your children to grow in faith through testing.  In other words, don’t always bail them out.

§  The story of Esther illustrates this.  She faced a severe situation.  Uncle Mordecai’s advice did not bail her out but encouraged her in going through the tense moments.

I hope you get the point.  The OT is a valuable help to rearing children to know and love Christ.

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