Tuesday, July 2, 2024

2 Cor. 9:7-15

We have noted that there is an emphasis in this chapter on giving as a means of blessing others.  The literal translation of v6 says, “He that sows with a blessing reaps as a blessing.”  As we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing by God it should result in a desire on our part to be a blessing to others. 

·        Giving that blesses is cheerful, v7.  This cheerfulness involves a sense of hilarity.  Giving to help others should cause joyful laughter.  In the context cheerfulness is understood as contrasted with two negatives.

o   We are not to give from a feeling of pain (the word grudgingly actually has this emphasis in the Greek).  I have heard it said that we should give until it hurts.  That is exactly the opposite of Biblical giving which increases our joy.  The Macedonians gave out of their trials (8:2) but they did it with cheerfulness.

o   We are not to give from a sense of obligation.  Many people want a “law” for giving.  Perhaps you would expect that in these two chapters there would be a mention of “tithing”.  Not only is the ten percent standard absent; Paul has already said he did not speak by “commandment” (8:8).  Rather believers are to be led by the Holy Spirit, giving as each purposes in his heart.

·        Giving that blesses is a testimony to God, v8-10.  When we give according to the manner of 2 Cor. 8-9, being generous and cheerful, we are saying something wonderful about God’s ability and abundance.  God is able, not only to supply your needs, but to enable you to give abundantly for all the good works He has in mind for you to do.  Often we may feel there are too many offerings for those in special need.  We may get frustrated with the abundance of need.  But this frustration comes because we are giving of our own strength.  Our need is to seek His leading, and to give accordingly.  If God is leading us He will enable us.  The quote in v9 from Ps. 112:9 indicates that God has always been providing; what He did then He will do today.

·        Giving that blesses is a cause for great glory to God, v11-15.  Look at all the thanksgiving that goes to God when one believer gives to bless others:

Þ   v11: the giver is giving thanks to God through his gift.

Þ   v12: the recipients give thanks to God as their needs are met.

Þ   v13: the gospel is lived out, enhancing evangelism, so that others come to Christ, giving God glory.

Þ   v14: the recipients pray for the givers, thus increasing God’s grace in their lives, resulting in increased thanksgiving.

v15: in the end, all that can be said is, Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.  This kind of giving leaves no room for personal glory.  Instead it all goes to God who gave His only begotten Son!  Who gets the credit for your giving?

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