Saturday, May 18, 2024

Psalm 8, The Living God (2)

Let us begin with a word about Ex. 34:6-7.  Notice that “the LORD descended” to Moses (cf. v5).  For us to have knowledge of God, God must humble Himself to enable us to know this.  He created us in His image so that we can understand.  But as sinners, we do not ascend to heaven to learn about God; God must descend to us, as He did in Christ (again, John 1:18).  David said this in Ps. 8:3-4 (paraphrased) when I consider the greatness of the heavens you created, how amazing that You even think about us, much less that You visit us!?  In Scripture, the “visit” term is used of …

·       God visiting Sarah that she might give birth to Isaac (Gen. 21:1).

·       God visiting the people of Israel while in bondage in Egypt (Ex. 4:31).

·       The Psalmist prayed for the LORD to “visit me with Your salvation” (Ps. 106:4).

·       God visited Israel through the birth of Christ (Lk. 1:68).

·       Jesus’ prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem was a “time of visitation” (Lk. 19:44).

·       Jesus’ return will occur on the “day of visitation” (1 Pt. 2:12).

Praise God that He has humbled Himself that we might know something of the beauty of His glorious perfections!  Here are a few more from Scripture (we plan, Lord willing, to add to this last in some future posts.)

ii)      Psalm 90:2: God is great.  Story: In 1715, Louis XIV of France died.  Louis, who called himself “the Great,” was the monarch who made the infamous statement “I am the State!”  His court was the most magnificent in Europe, and his funeral was spectacular.  His body lay in a golden coffin.  To dramatize the deceased king’s greatness, orders had been given that the cathedral should be very dimly lighted, with only one special candle set above his coffin.  Thousands waited in hushed silence.  Then Bishop Massillon began to speak.  Slowly reaching down, he snuffed out the candle, saying, “Only God is great!”

iii)   Ps. 99:3,5,9: God is holy.

iv)            Psalm 139:7-10: God is omnipresent.

v) 1 John 1:9: God is faithful and just.

iv)    1 John 4:8,16: God is love.

One of the confirming truths of” the three persons of the Godhead is the fact that the attributes of deity are applied to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Here is one illustration:

God is truth: Father: Dt. 32:4; Ps. 31:5; Son: Jn. 14:6; Spirit: Jn. 16:13.

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