Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Psalm 118, God Our Refuge (4)

4)    What benefits come to those who make God their refuge?

Again, here is a rapid list, with references to search out.

a)    Psalm 2:12: blessing.

b)    Ps. 5:11: gladness, joy.

c)    Ps. 27:1: no fear.

d)    Ps. 31:1; no shame (from the collapse of one’s false refuge in time of trouble.)

e)    Ps. 31:19: God’s goodness.

f)     Ps. 34:22: No condemnation.

g)    Ps. 37:40: deliverance.

h)    Ps. 46:1: help.

i)      Ps. 57:1: mercy (until the disaster has passed).

j)      Ps. 62:2: Never shaken.

k)    Ps. 91:9: No harm.

l)      Ps. 144:2: Victory (people, enemies are subdued).

m) Prov. 18:10: safety.

5)    How does one make God his refuge?

As is always the case, it’s not 1-2-3 steps and you’re in.  It’s a well-rounded lifestyle.  The key to making God my refuge has to do with His word.  Obedience to the word of God places me in and keeps me in His fortress, or hidden in the cleft of the rock, or under His wings, or lifted high above the fray, etc.  Disobedience to His word effectively removes me from His refuge.  I am on my own.

The “normal” Christian life is a walk of faith, and involves the word of God and the power of prayer for obedience through fellowship.  Look at how these everyday ingredients work together.

Pr.10:29: The “upright” (obedient) dwell within the refuge; the disobedient are liable to destruction.

Pr. 30:5: God is a shield to those who put their trust in Him and His pure word.  God’s word is without error.  It is the lamp for your feet (Ps. 119:105).

Ps. 91:14-15; 62:7-8: Through prayer, call upon Him in trouble and He will set us on high and deliver us.  Don’t attempt this on your own.

Ps. 118:8-9; 91:2; Pr. 18:10: Bottom line: trust in Him!  RUN to the Lord, your Strong Tower.

Neh. 8:10: And in all this, remember the joy of fellowship; it is the source of strength.  “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.”  The Body of Christ is God’s provision that you might steadily and continuously be built up in your faith.

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