Monday, May 13, 2024

Isaiah 30:1-17, God Our Refuge (3)

2)    When do we need a refuge? We need perseverance (Greek hupomone), when dealing with “things”.  We need patience (Greek makrothumia), when dealing with “people.”  Hebrew has various words translated “trouble” in English.

a)    Sara (Ps.46:1): personal anguish one encounters in adverse circumstances (e.g. childbirth).

b)    Sar (Ps. 59:16): harassment and torment engendered by an enemy.

c)    Oni (Ps. 107:41): pain or punishment resulting from affliction, disability, material or physical deprivation, oppression.

d)    Zerem (Isa. 25:4): a flood of rain, a down pour.

The Lord is a refuge when dealing with people (Ps. 14:6; 17:7; 59:1; Jer. 16:19).

3)    What other “refuges” do men turn to in times of trouble?

i)      Here is a rapid list:

(1)                        Men/princes, Ps. 118:8-9.

(2)                        Wealth, Ps. 52:7; Pr. 18:11.

(3)                        Walled cities, Isa. 25:12; 26:5; 17:9f; 23:4,11,14.

(4)                        Idols, Isa. 57:13.

(5)                        The mountains, Ps. 11:1; Rev. 6.

(6)                        All are LIES, Isa. 28:15,17.

ii)   A special study of Isa. 30:1-17 shows the fallacy of Israel’s reliance on Egypt for protection and deliverance. 

(a) What did God say Israel would find in trusting Egypt?

(i)   v3: shame and disgrace.

(ii)                        v5: useless help; neither help nor an advantage.

(iii)                     v6: unprofitable help.

(iv)                     v7: “Rahab and Do-Nothing.”  The AV says, “Their strength is to sit still.”  The NASB says, “Rahab who has been exterminated.”

(v)                        The same can be said of other false refuges.

(b)            What characterizes Israel?

(i)   v1: She is obstinate, carrying out plans but not God’s plans, forming an alliance with the Holy Spirit.

(ii)                        v2: She is not consulting God but looking to others.

(iii)                     v9: She is rebellious, deceitful, unwilling to listen to instruction.

(iv)                     v10-11: She tells the preachers to change their message.

(c) What harvest will Israel reap?  Her false refuge will crumble (v13-14); she will flee from her oppressors (v16-17; i.e. there is no refuge.

(d)            In v15 where does God say Israel could have found deliverance and strength?  In quietness, rest, repentance and trust (opposite of v6) she would find refuge in the Lord.

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