Monday, May 27, 2024

Psalm 78:1-8, “The Psalm 78 Project” (God Remembers concluded)

Here's an idea that is fitting for this Memorial Day in the USA.  Psalm 78 is a Psalm of remembrance.  The Psalmist is concerned that succeeding generations hear about God’s work in previous generations.  This particular Psalm is about the reason that God rejected Shiloh as the location for the Tabernacle and the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant, and instead chose Jerusalem and Mt. Zion.  This was an incredibly important subject for the children of Israel. 

But I want to suggest that we need to make a record of God’s workings in our own lives as believers in Christ.  This record should be recorded for our children and grand-children and so on.  They should be made familiar with the stories of the Bible.  And then they should realize that God is still working.  They need to hear our testimony of faith in Christ and of God’s faithfulness as we walked with Him.

What we have today are some questions for you to answer from Ps. 78.  And then some ideas to help you make your own record for those who follow you.

·       What is it that succeeding generations need to hear from preceding generations? (78:4-6)

·       When younger generations hear this what three successive results follow? (78:6f)

·       What is the connection between remembering God’s deeds and keeping His commands? (v7)

·       What did Israel’s “forgetfulness” lead to in these passages?

o   78:9-11

o   78:40-42

Why not write your own Ps. 78, filling it with “praiseworthy” deeds of the Lord?  Remember, these deeds will include blessings AND disciplines, His giving AND His taking away, His responses to our obedience AND to our failings, His deeds in the Bible AND in modern times.  Here are a few “categories” of praiseworthy deeds from which you can begin writing your own Psalm 78.

ü Events, situations, people, verses, etc. God used to bring you to salvation in Christ.

ü Bible truths (promises, commands, warnings, etc.) and stories that made these real to you.

ü God’s character, leadership (in major and minor decisions), benefits, victories, disciplines.

ü Answers to prayer.

ü Our peak experiences (Rev. 2:7).

ü Special people God used in our lives and a story or two to illustrate.

ü God’s hand in newsworthy events.

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