Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Revelation 19:11-21, Jesus is Coming!

Here is the post that I almost posted yesterday on Independence Day.  I was personally moved to think a lot about Jesus, the Lord of lords and King of kings.  To us the United States is the best, “us” referring to most people that we see regularly.  There are many who are upset with our nation.  I doubt there is anyone who does not see some “flaws” that need mending (cf. “America the Beautiful).  As a Christian there is a hope we set our hearts on and that is the return of Christ to reign from the throne of David.  The hope of His coming is not a reason to escape from my earthly responsibility to this world and its inhabitants; but it does strengthen me for that responsibility.

The following is from Rene Pache in his book The Return of Jesus Christ.  It is something I have shared often as an encouragement to hope. 

11 Biblical Truths: Jesus will come...

PERSONALLY (Zech. 14:3-4; Jn. 14:3).  His feet will touch the ground.  As Jesus said, “I will come again.”

VISIBLY (Zech. 12:10; Rev 1:7).  He will be seen, recognized by Israel.  Even unbelievers will mourn their involvement in His suffering.  Matt. 24:27 says His coming will be as lightening in the east is visible in the west!

SUDDENLY (1Th5:2-3; Mt24:23,26f).  It is like the coming of a thief in the night.  Many will be tempted to look for other “Christs.”

TO THE MOUNT OF OLIVES (Zech14:3-4).  At some point Zechariah says he will specifically set foot on Olivette.  There is a question as to whether He comes to Edom to fight His enemies and then comes to Jerusalem (Isaiah 63:1-6).

ON CLOUDS AND WITH CLOUDS (Dan.7:13; Rev. 1:7).  This seems to intensify the majesty and beauty of the event.

SURROUNDED BY GLORY (Mt16:27; 24:30; 26:64).  He comes in His Father’s glory in a display of power and great glory.

WITH ALL HIS ANGELS (2Th 1:7-8; Mt.25:31).  He comes with His powerful angels, as part of the hosts that will serve Him and see Him in His glory.

WITH ALL HIS SAINTS (Col.3:4; Zech.14:5).  The saints, from Old Testament and New Testament times, will accompany Him.

AS THE SON OF MAN (Dan.7:13f; Mt.24:30).  The One who is the Son of God became “Son of Man” in His incarnation, and He is still the God-Man for eternity.

AS JUDGE (Mt.16:27; 2 Tim.4:1).  His reward is with Him for each person according to their works.  Everyone, the living and the dead.

AS KING OF KINGS (Rev.19:11-21; Dan.7:13f; Zech.14:1-9; Mt. 24:29-31).  In His return He is “Faithful and True” (Rev. 19:11), “the Word of God” (19:13), “King of kings and Lord of lords” (19:16).  Daniel 7 promises He will receive ALL authority, which happened upon His death and resurrection (Matt. 28:18); in His return it will be realized in all the earth.  Zechariah says having the Lord Jesus Christ on the throne will be the same as having YAHWEH on the throne!

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