Friday, July 1, 2022

Luke 24:25-27, The Sufferings and Glory of Christ

We are coming up on the weekend celebration of Independence Day in the USA.  I am moved to take the opportunity to remind us all of some of the fundamental truths concerning the establishment of Jesus' Kingdom on earth.  Recent decisions of the US Supreme Court (2nd amendment reaffirmation, overturning Roe v. Wade, and granting the right of a High School football coach to join with his players when they gathered for prayer) have brought a degree of elation to many Christians in the US, myself included.  But in good times and bad we need to remember that "the Mystery of God" is about Christ.  

Here is a simple chart to be considered as to many differences between the first and second appearings of Christ.  It’s one way to enjoy and be comforted by the hope we have in Christ.



Swaddling clothes, Lk.2:12

Majestic array, Ps.93:1

Wearied traveler, Jn.4:6

Untiring God, Isa. 40:28f

Nowhere to lay head, Lk.9:58

Heir to all things, Heb. 1:2

Rejected by Israel, Jn.1:11

Accepted by nations Isa9:6

Wicked threw stones, Jn.8:59

Wicked call stones on themselves, Rev. 6:16

Lowly savior, knew grief, Isa.53:3

Mighty God, anointed with gladness, Heb. 1:9

Scarlet robe of mockery, Lk.23:11

Vesture dipped in blood of enemies, Rev. 19:13

Smitten with a reed, Mt. 27:30

Rules nations with iron rod,  Rev. 19:15

Wicked bowed knees in mockery, Mk.15:19

Every knee bows, Phil. 2:10

Crown of thorns, Jn.19:5

Crown of gold, Rv.14:14

Hands pierced with nails, Jn.20:25

Hands carry sharp sickle, Rv.14:14

Feet pierced with nails, Ps.22:16

Feed stand on Mt. of Olives, Zech.14:4

No form or comeliness, Isa.53:2

Fairest of 10,000, Ps.27:4

Gave up His spirit, Jn.19:30

Alive forevermore, Rv.1:18

Laid in tomb, Mt.27:59-60

Sits on throne, Heb. 8:1

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