Saturday, July 30, 2022

Gen. 3:9-19, Truth in Deceit

For a few days we want to post what I am calling “Genesis Renewed.”  The “renewal” was in my own heart.  For the most part we will engage in devotional thoughts rather than doctrinal thoughts, although, of course, devotional thoughts must always be founded on sound doctrine. 

·       3:10: John wrote, “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18).  In Genesis Adam was afraid of God.  The reason was because he had sinned, and fear was part of the “death” that came upon Adam, and me, because of sin.  I confess: when I think of the life to come there is an aspect of fear in my thoughts sometimes.  It indicates I am still giving sin power it does not deserve, and not giving God the honor He deserves for all He did to provide for my salvation.  This is not just a failure to obey, to think properly.  It is a failure in relationship.  It is a leftover in this man who once lived “in sin” but now lives “in Christ.”  Lord, help my unbelief.  Father, that I might love you with all my heart, mind, soul and strength.

·       3:12-13: Both Adam and Eve told the truth.  True, they did blame others.  But both said “and I ate.”  And note, there was truth in the “blame.”  And, in fact, God began His pronouncement of judgment against Satan, then judged the two people who were guilty.  Furthermore, let us not forget that Eve was truly deceived as 1 Tim. 2:14 says.  Satan attacked her with the best he has to offer: it looks good, it’ll feel good, and it will make you important.  Because of the deceit she “fell” into transgression. 

·       3:17: Adam, however, went in with eyes wide open.  God said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife.”  Eve sinned.  But that does not excuse Adam.

·       3:15: Don’t forget.  The first Messianic prophecy was given to the Serpent, to Satan.  He must be crushed.  He bears a specific responsibility.  And, by the way, Satan has been crushed (Colossians 2:13-15).   Paul says that Jesus has disarmed the principalities and powers.  The advantage that Satan had in the Garden of Eden has been lost.  Jesus has triumphed over him and those who have sided with him.

·       3:5,22: One last thing.  Satan was right in saying that Adam and Eve would become like God, knowing good and evil.  God had already observed good and evil in Satan’s pride in heaven.  Up until that moment in the Garden, Adam and Eve were innocent.  Now they knew.

So here is something I need to remember.  In the context of evil and rebellion Adam and Eve and Satan said things that were right.  I must not underestimate the necessity of “the renewing of the mind” (Rom. 12:2).  Apart from that I continue to be “conformed to this world,” the world ruled by the god of this age, Satan.

And one other thing.  I also need to understand that Jesus Christ my Lord, in one weekend, provided all that was needed to overcome all that went wrong in the Garden of Eden.  That is why perfect love casts out fear.  There is nothing left to fear in light of Calvary and the empty tomb.

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