Saturday, August 25, 2018

Read Philippians 2:1-11; Love Does Not Boast

1)   Definition: to verbally exalt one's self or successes (whether real or imagined)
a)   Arndt-Gingrich defines this as being a "wind-bag".
b)   Hodge: "the desire to gain the applause of others."
c)   Moffat: "Love makes no parade."

2)   Underlying Principles:
a)   We exist solely for the exaltation of God (we have a God-focus, the first great command).
i)     Redpath: "When a man begins to boast, he is advertising his emptiness and his ignorance."
b)   God has called us to be a blessing (we have an other-focus, the 2nd great command; 1 Pt. 3:8f)

3)   Illustrations:
a)   Negative: Haman in Esther 5:9-14.
i)     Note how the different self-seeking traits of anger, arrogance and boasting work together.
ii)    As usual, the flesh kills, and Haman dies!
b)   Positive: Couple in Song of Solomon 5-8 (the conflict is resolved, not by one of them proving their worth by bragging up their superiority, but by the way they speak well of the other).
i)     The marital conflict, 5:1-8
(1) He calls for her, v2.
(2) She refuses, v3-5.
(3) He leaves, v6-8.
ii)    The mutual praise, 5:9-8:4.
(1) She praises him, 5:9-6:3.
(2) He praises her, 6:4-10.
(3) The conflict resolved in their hearts, 6:11-13.
(4) He praises her, 7:1-9.
(5) She praises him, 7:10-8:2.
iii)  The conflict resolved in their actions, 8:3-4.
c)   Christ (as always, the ultimate example): 1 Peter 2:21-23.

4)   Biblical principles:
a)   Watch out for boasting about...
(Match the passage with the topic of boasting.)
1. What I have

A. Pr 25:14; Jn 13:37-38
2. How I've sinned

B. Lk 10:17-20
3. What I'll do tomorrow

C. Psalm 52:1
4. What I'll do for you

D. Matt 23:5-7
5. What I'll do to you

E. Phil 3:4-6
6. How I worship

F. 2 Kings 20:13
7. What my title is

G. 1 Cor 4:6-7
8. What I've done for God

H. Isa 10:8-11
9. What I've earned

I. Prov 27:1; Jas 4:13-16
10. What I am spiritually

J. Matt 23:8
11. What I've accomplished

K. Luke 12:16-20
(Ans: A4, B10, C2, D6, E11, F1, G8, H5, I3, J7, K9)

b)   In our human relationships what simple truths will help keep us from the folly of boasting?
i)     Jer 9:23-24:
ii)    Phil 2:3: 
iii)  Prov 27:2:

c)   How can I do this?  It doesn't come natural for me!  Rom. 8:5-8.

i)     Focus on the LJC...on the things of the Spirit.
ii)    Redpath: "His greatness was revealed not merely in what He displayed but in the things He suppressed.  He laid aside His glory and humbled Himself for the sake of others."
5)   Application:
a)   Memorize Phil 2:3.
b)   It's simple.  For the person (people) in your life that you constantly are negative towards, make a list of positives for which you can thank God and with which you can bless them.

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