Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Philippians 2:17-30, Love is Not Self-Seeking

1)   Definition:
From the following passages and quote from Matthew Henry, what are some ingredients in self-seeking?

a)   1 Corinthians 10:24; 14:12
b)   Matthew Henry: Charity is an utter enemy to selfishness: Seeketh not its own, does not inordinately desire nor seek its own praise, or honour, or profit, or pleasure. Indeed self-love, in some degree, is natural to all men, enters into their very constitution.  And a reasonable love of self is by our Saviour made the measure of our love to others, that charity which is here described, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  The apostle does not mean that charity destroys all regard to self; he does not mean that the charitable man should never challenge what is his own, but utterly neglect himself and all his interests.  Charity must then root up that principle which is wrought into our nature. But charity never seeks its own to the hurt of others, or with the neglect of others.  It often neglects its own for the sake of others; prefers their welfare, and satisfactions, and advantage, to its own; and it ever prefers the weal of the public, of the community, whether civil or ecclesiastical, to its private advantage.  It would not advance, nor aggrandize, nor enrich, nor gratify itself, at the cost and damage of the public.
2)   Illustrations:
a)   Negative:
i)     1 Samuel 2:16,17: Hophi & Phineas
ii)    Esther 5:11-13: Haman
iii)  2 Samuel 12:1-4: David
b)   Positive:
i)     John 5:30; Matthew 18:12; Luke 19:10: Christ
ii)    1 Corinthians 10:33; 2 Cor. 12:14; Philippians 4:17: Paul
iii)  Philippians 2:21: Timothy
iv)  1 Timothy 1:17: Onesiphorus
3)   Biblical principles:
1.   What is the result of self-seeking?  Luke 17:33 (John 6:24,26)

2.   Self-seeking traits that destroy love include...
a.   1 Corinthians 7:27:

b.   Galatians 5:13:

c.   Philippians 2:3-5:

d.   1 John 3:16-17:

3.   What is THE priority in "seeking"?

a.   Matthew 6:32-33:  Seek the ______________ of God.

b.   John 5:44; 7:18: Seek the _______________ of God.

c.   Colossians 3:1: Seek the ________________ of God.

d.   Hebrews 11:6: SEEK __________________!!!

4)   Application:
a)   Memorize Philippians 2:3-5.
b)   Don't look for Jesus at the tomb; he aint there.  Mt 28:5; Lk 24:5.
c)   Be sure to recognize & deal with self-seeking attitudes at home.  The "terrible twos" is really the first major crisis of selfishness.  Teenage rebellion & independence struggles are the product of selfishness.  But don't just get on the kids.  Selfishness is also at the base of the amassing of goods, the inability to make time for service, & the retirement choices of many.

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