Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Read James 5:7-10; Romans 5:1-5, Love is Patient (2)

        a)   Identify how each passage illustrates patience. 

i)     James 5:7: the farmer must wait for his crop to mature.

ii)    James 5:10

iii)  James 5:11

iv)  Prov 13:1

b)  What are the rewards for patience?

i)     Prov 14:30: life to the body.

ii)    Prov 17:3

c)   Patience is hard but what makes it easier?

i)     Prov 13:12,19: all the times we have seen our desires fulfilled, seeing God work after we have waited on Him.

ii)    Rom 8:18

d)  How can an impatient person become patient?

i)     Rom 15:5: he can pray that God will make him patient.

ii)    Gal 5:22

iii)  Col 1:11

iv)  Col 3:12

v)   Rom 15:4

vi)  Rom 5:3-5; James 1:3-4

2)   Application:

a)   Memorize James 1:2-4.

b)  Think of situations in your life that happen regularly that distress you, but that you have no control over.  What should your course of action be in each?

c)   Apply patience to your words.  Prov 15:18 says that a patient man calms a quarrel.  James 1:19 tells us to be slow to speak.  Psalm 141:3 contains a prayer that can be helpful in this.

d)  Is it all worthwhile?  Read Rev. 21:7 and see.

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