Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Here's the latest from Zaporozhye. In classes so far today we have studied John 16-17. So it has been wonderful. The prayer of Christ is amazing. But here, let Cindy give you a report on yesterday (Monday) & her trip to the orphanage.

My trip today to the orphanage at Matveyevka was a real highlight of this trip. Nicholai Proshak took me there, with Sveta Baclan as my interpreter, where we met with the director, Larissa (“Hi” to Conrad!) and, as always, we were treated to a typical Ukrainian lunch. This time was different in that Larissa, who is always preoccupied and very busy, actually spent most of 2 hours with us, sitting down for a good visit and taking us to see sleeping 3- and 4-year-olds, showing us their classrooms, as well as new bathrooms, improvements in the dining room, and a new outdoor concert/game area and some beautiful landscaping. We also saw some older kids in different settings and went to the room designated for Nicholai’s classes and to another room that he will be able to use after it is renovated (needs lots of work).

After we left the orphanage, we took a young couple home (20-year-olds married only 1 year) and saw the house where 3 graduates of the orphanage live under their care (instant family of 3 teenagers for them!). This is another aspect of Nicholai’s ministry – to provide a Christian living environment for some of the kids after they graduate – families are needed to help with this. Another aspect is just giving the kids time away from the orphanage for a day or a weekend with a Christian family. He and his wife, Anya and their 3 girls open their home for this and are always looking for other Christian families to help. After being sick for several days and feeling quite useless here, I was happy to be able to spend this time with good friends, learning more of their work and their needs and will have lots of prayer requests to share when I get home. Love you all and miss you very much.

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