Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 8

Greetings! It's now Day 9, 6:40AM, the air has cleared somewhat just in time to get some nice views from where we are at the south end of Galilee (Magaan) to the north end (Capernaum). Thankful for that.

As for Day 8 it was a long day as our guides had many places in mind for us to see. It began at Kursi, the place where Jesus cast demons from 2 men, sending the demons into a herd of pigs who then ran down a steep hill into the Sea of Galilee. Then to the Latin (Catholic) Capernaum which has archaeological sites of the home where Peter lived (w/his mother-in-law, bet that was tough on the big tough guy; Matt 8:14-17) and of the place where the synagogue was where Jesus taught (see esp John 6:22-59). It is thought to be also where Jesus restored Peter to ministry (John 21). Then we went up a nearby hillside to a cave, and then above the cave to the place where Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7; we read the Beatitudes, 5:3-10).

Then it was time to leave Galilee for Nazareth. "N" was a small town in Jesus day (perhaps 200 people); today it is a major city, perhaps a quarter million. This is the place where Jesus grew up. The Bible of course says very little about Jesus' life until He began His ministry. Nevertheless there are many shrines, the chief ones we visited including the Church of the Annunciation (Catholic, commemorating Gabriels announcement to Mary, largest RCC church in Israel), San Gabriels Church (Eastern Orth commemorating the same thing, but includes a spring that goes back to Jesus' day & a nearby well where Gabriel spoke with Mary, acc. to tradition, "The Gospel of James" ... it's not in your Bible), Mensa Church, Joseph's Church, and I'm pretty sure some other places.

The highlight was not one of the shrines but the Nazareth Village, a "reenactment" of life in Jesus' day that is run by Christians. It included a museum, and then a walk through the village seeing the shepherd at the door of the sheep fold, a watchman on the wall, Joseph & his carpenters shop, Hannah (Joseph's sister) making yarn and weaving. It was repleat with several donkeys (burro's; remember we are travelling with a Spanish speaking tour), sheep, and the shepherd, watchman, Joseph & Hannah were all real live people. Our guide-ette was a believer from Manitoba, volunteering at the facility, sent there by her church.

One other thing: had pork ribs for lunch. Yes, you heard it right. At Nazareth. See the FB pictures for brief explanation.

Today it's time to head south to Qumran and Masada and then staying on the Dead Sea tonight. Should be a picture of a large object floating on top of the water in tomorrow's collection. :)

We hear a lot about "walking in Jesus footsteps" throughout the day. We are working to remember that the goal is to enhance our understanding of Scripture, and that is happening, and to enjoy thinking of Christ in real live settings. But walking in his steps is not about being in Israel but is about following Him from the heart, the mind, the will day by day. Mt 4:18-22 has been helpful ... "Follow me and I will make you fishers of MEN".

God bless! See you tomorrow on the internet Lord willing.

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