Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Greetings! It is Tuesday at lunchtime. Just had a wonderful lunch of borscht (sp), cole slaw and macaroni with meat. And bread, as always. Very enjoyable.

To update you in my classes, we have 3 classes each day, each 1 hr and 15 min. By end of today we will complete John 4, Lord willing. Between classes and at the apartment I am usually doing some form of preparation including wirting down possible test questions from the lecture/discussion of the day.

Cindy spent Monday at the apartment & is again today washing clothes, getting groceries, cooking, ironing clothes. It is always a blessing for me to have her here. She will have an opportunity to be involved in other forms of ministry besides the one she is excelling at already.

My main reason for writing today was to encourage prayer for Priyanka Madawala whom we will be seeing, Lord willing, in Sri Lanka when we leave Ukraine. I just got an email from Pri saying he spent the weekend in jail, something to do with the camp ministry. He has a court date. Perhaps you who are part of our church family know of this and are praying but I want to encourage all of you to pray for him as you are praying for us.

God bless!

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