Monday, May 1, 2017

How can we eat Jesus' flesh? John 6:47-59

We are at Kam’yne in Ukraine, a village near Zaporozhye.  We were passing out invitations to youth and church meetings when we encountered a man who was obviously Orthodox.  He saw on our invitation “Acts 16:31: believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”  He contradicted this, saying these were the words of Jesus’ followers but that in John’s Gospel Jesus said that we must believe AND do something ourselves.  When we asked him where it said this he referred to today’s passage: we must “eat the bread” the man said, meaning the bread of the Eucharist.  Was he right?  Absolutely not.  Here’s why.

·        John is the Gospel of Belief telling us numerous times that eternal life is the present possession of those who have believed (e.g. John 3:16; 5:24).  Further, John 1:12 says that faith in Jesus’ name makes us children of God.  The purpose of John (20:30-31) says that by faith we have life in His name.  Our passage (v47) says the same: he who believes in Me HAS everlasting life.  Then He says, I am the bread of life.  In other words it is believing in the bread of life that brings eternal life.

·        Jesus says plainly (v58) not to take this literally, as eating literal food.  He says, not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead.  As is so often the case, something physical or earthly in the Old Testament has a spiritual or heavenly understanding in the New.
·        This being the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation we should note what some of the reformers pointed out.  They said that to take this literally, as do Catholics and Orthodox, is to be called to cannibalism.  Just think about it.

·        But still, how are we to understand Jesus’ words?  We would say that He is spiritual bread and spiritual drink.
o   How else can Jesus say that by faith we have eternal life and that by eating His flesh and drinking His blood we have eternal life (v54).  It is because the eating and drinking are pictures of faith even as the bread and blood are pictures of His provision.
o   In addition, let us ask about other similar statements of Jesus in John’s gospel.  Is Jesus really a grape vine and are we really branches of the vine (15:1)?  No.  Is Jesus an actual door (10:9)?  Is Jesus an actual good shepherd and we actual sheep (10:11)?  And on and on.  These are some of the most wonderful pictures of Jesus because they tell us magnificent truths about our Lord.  But they are just that: pictures!  If you are going to take John 6 literally and say the bread and cup is the actual or becomes the actual body and blood of Jesus then you will need to establish sheep shearing ministries to shave off all the body hair of the church members.

This doctrine is one to be avoided at all costs, because to believe in faith PLUS works is to deny the work of Christ.  It is to trust in a gospel that will not save.  Preachers of any other gospel are to be accursed (Gal. 1:8).

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