Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Revelation 21:1-8

It is remarkable that our God desires to dwell with Mankind, those created in His image.  This is not like the gods of the Pantheon who desired to be with humans so as to enjoy their carnal pleasures.  One of the common pictures of this relationship between God and His creation is that of a meal together (Ex. 24:9-11; Rev. 3:20).  God has persistently sought this relationship.

·        Gen. 1:26-28: He created Man in His image so man could relate to God.
·        Lev. 26:11-12: When He chose Israel to be His treasured possession God directed the building of a tabernacle so He could dwell with them.

·        Ezek. 37:26-28: Even in Israel’s apostasy God still longed to dwell with them.
·        Isa. 57:15: God called men to the kind of humble and contrite heart that would fit a relationship with the Eternal God.

·        John 1:14: The day came when God dwelt with Men in His Son, being Immanuel, God with us.
·        Matt. 27:51; John 14:23; 2 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 2:18, 22: Christ’s death tore the veil that separated men from God so that God Himself would be able to dwell spiritually within men, in the temple of their bodies.

·        John 14:1-6: Christ is preparing a place where those who know Him can enjoy a relationship with Him in His very presence, for eternity. 
·        Isa. 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pet. 3:10-13: That place involves the new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem mentioned in today’s passage.

The new heaven and earth may be a completely new creation of God that will be fit for eternity.  But the word “new” means new in character, suggesting a renewal of the old elements after the destruction described earlier in Revelation.

Concerning the New Jerusalem there is disagreement as to whether it is a literal city or symbolic of the Bride of Christ, the Church.  The detailed description that follows in Rev. 21 would lead one to believe it is real city that hangs over the earth, allowing passage between for the glorified Bride as they reign with Christ.

Who inhabits the New Jerusalem?  God is there, dwelling with men (v3-4). The effect of His presence is that all will be good; there will be no pain nor tears. God the Son is there (v5-6) granting eternal life (John 17:2) to the overcomers.  Thus believers are there (v6-7), those who have overcome by their faith (1 Jn. 5:4-5).  They will enjoy a relationship with God afforded by Christ.  Unbelievers will not be there (v8).  Known by their sinfulness they will be eternally separated from God in an existence that is called the second death (2 Thess. 1:9-10).  

Difficult questions about our eternal existence should not cloud the essence of it all.  In the end God dwells with men who have exalted Him in this lifetime; and those who have not will be forever estranged from their Creator for eternity.

Be encouraged today with the assurance of faith that Christ indeed is preparing a place for believers in which they can be with Him, never to be separated.

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