Thursday, December 1, 2016

Revelation 10

This chapter may at first seem like an interlude in which John is encouraged to continue to write his prophecy.  That does certainly happen but in this chapter is the most amazing announcement.  There is one more angel to sound his trumpet.  Thus the days of the sounding of the seventh angel are imminent.  The announcement is that in those days the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.

The one making the announcement is yet another angel, although a mighty angel.  This is not Christ, as some would say, since he is another mighty angel, apparently like the one in Rev. 5:2.  Christ is not an angel; He is the Son of God (Heb. 1:5). He is worshiped by angels (Heb. 1:6)!

The announcement is for and involves the entire earth; thus the angel stands both on land and sea.  When he cries out we are told that seven thunders utter their voices.  Their utterance is a mystery because God will not allow John to record what he hears.  The opening of the sealed book by the Lamb is a great revelation; but God has not revealed everything.  

What we are told is that the mystery of God is about to be finished.  As we noted in our very first study, the plan of God is to exalt His Son to be Lord of all, to rule over all the nations, to reign over all the earth.  This is going to happen in the “days of the sounding of the seventh angel.”  These are the days (plural, the mystery is completed not in one day but in a short period of time) when we will hear loud voices from heaven saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” (Rev. 11:15).  Everything will be resolved to the glory of God: the angry nations will experience God’s wrath, the dead will be judged and God’s servants will be rewarded (Rev. 11:17-18).  These are the days when God will restore Israel, or as Rom. 11:25 puts it, when all Israel shall be saved (Rev. 12).  The final world empire (Rev. 17-18) and its leadership (Rev. 13) that defies God will be destroyed.  Men will have one final hearing of the eternal gospel (Rev. 14:1-12).   The harvest of the judgment of the earth will take place (Rev. 14:13-20).  And on earth will be heard the song of Moses … and the song of the Lamb (Rev. 15).  Reread Psalm 2.  This is what God, in eternity past, promised to His Son.  It is where history has been going all along.  These are the days of the sounding of the seventh angel.  This is the completion of the mystery of God.

John eats the book; in some way it becomes part of him, the message he must preach.  It is both sweet and bitter.  It is sweet to the taste because Jesus Christ is revealed in great glory!  It is bitter to the stomach because His enemies will be condemned.  This is good to know now so you can choose to be on the right side of history.  Choose you this day whom you will serve!

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