Thursday, December 8, 2016

Revelation 13

Today’s passage reveals two more figures, beasts, who are part of the mystery that culminates in the days of the seventh angel.  They are connected, part of what is often referred to as a satanic trinity, along with the dragon from Rev. 12.  

The first beast rises from the sea and has a similar appearance as the dragon (7 heads, 10 horns) except that the crowns are on the horns instead of the heads, indicating the beast is the power of this kingdom while the dragon is at the head of the conspiracy, as v2 indicates.  The blasphemous name reveals his character.  The Bible (Dan. 7:8,20; 11:36) emphasizes he is a pompous and blasphemous speaker.  Daniel 7 reveals the meaning of the animals connected with this beast.  The leopard, bear and lion were symbols of the first three world empires that ruled Israel in the time of the Gentiles; the fourth empire, Rome, is predicted to make a comeback in the latter days.  This beast rules over that end-time empire and has the strengths of all the empires.  (The beast in Daniel 7:7 also has 10 horns; these are the same.)  He rules the world in the last three and a half years (42 mos.) of Daniel’s 70th week (Rev. 13:5; Dan. 9:27).

This beast is all about being worshiped (2 Thess. 2:4); the title antichrist certainly fits.  He causes people to worship him in various ways.
·        By being miraculously healed from a mortal wound.
·        By gaining control over the armies of all the nations.
·        By performing deceitful miracles (i.e. not real but convincing to gullible people who are desperate to be led).

·        By opposing the worship of God in the temple and those who dwell in heaven (including the Church, caught away at the beginning of the tribulation period).
·        By establishing an economic system requiring people to worship him (receive a mark) in order to participate.  The number 666 has been the center of much intrigue as to what it means.  The surest meaning is that 6 is the number of man, and three of them stand for the trinity of evil.  When these things occur it will be clear that taking the mark is to worship the beast and not God!

It is the second beast, the false prophet, who makes the biggest push to worship the first beast.  Appearing like a lamb (Jesus) he speaks like a dragon (Satan).  He too exercises amazing feats (whether true or not, they are convincing).  

Please, please note the challenge in v9 that we heard often in Rev. 2-3: If anyone has an ear, let him hear.  What must we hear?  That all will worship this beast except those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.  Even now Jesus has warned us of false prophets in sheep’s clothing (Mt. 7:15).  Many people today are easily duped by anyone with an amazing story of some sort.  Let us not be blown about by every wind of doctrine but be faithful to the word of the Lord!

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